Open Education Remixathon: Oct 12-18, 2012
Open Education Remixathon: Oct 12-18, 2012
Facilitators: Paul Stacey, Scott Leslie, Sylvia Currie
Virtual Kick-Off: SCoPE Blackboard Collaborate | 12 October | recording | slides
UPDATE: People were too busy attending conference sessions or jamming on the conference cruise to do much work on the remixathon projects. So we won't be having a "results" wrap-up as planned, but of course this forum remains open as an archive.
This event extends the reach of the Open Education Conference -- Beyond Content -- taking place in Vancouver 16-18 October, 2012
The Open Education Remixathon will kick off with a round robin to describe each Open Educational Resource and the envisioned enhancements. Following the launch we will use this forum for discussions among those who submitted OER, those who are remixing, and those who are just plain curious about the whole process. We encourage posting of draft versions of the remixed resource, and, of course, collaboration on the remixing process. On the final day we will review and share the results.
This is an opportunity to give proof to the promise that Open Educational Resources have always held that they enable derivative works to be remixed.
Sound like fun? It will be!
Here are the submissions:
- Course Management Strategies
- P2PU School of Education resources
- Data Mining for the Thrifty Student
- Communicate OER Wikipedia workshop
- Math in Society
- Open Resources: Influence on Learners and Educators (Survey #2)
- Fairly tale remix for foreign language learning experiences
- The StoryBox
- Peeragogy Book (also available in PDF, LaTeX, and EPUB)
- Paragogy Book (available as PDF, LaTeX and wiki version)
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