MicroSCoPE: A Close Look at What's Happening in the SCoPE Community
June, 2007
In This Issue
1. Personal Learning Environments seminar begins today!
2. Mark Your Calendars
3. Activity Recap
4. New SIGs
5. Blogging to Enhance Learning Experiences Book Project
6. SCoPE Logos
7. PeriSCoPE
8. About SCoPE
9. About MicroSCoPE
1. Personal Learning Environments seminar begins today!
* Seminar: Personal Learning Environments
Facilitators: Derek Chirnside and Derek Wenmoth
June 4-24, 2007
Description: A personal learning environment refers to the tools and processes that enable us to take greater control over our learning experiences. How does this change the way we teach and learn? Join us for this 3-week seminar to share your experiences and ask your questions about PLEs.
...access the seminar http://scope.lidc.sfu.ca/mod/forum/view.php?id=487
2. Mark Your Calendars
* Future of Education
June 4-8, 2007
The Future of Education is an online conference hosted by the Learning Technologies Centre at University of Maniboba exploring trends impacting education - K-12, higher education, and corporation training. While the conference is scheduled to run for 5 days, you can be sure it will continue far beyond the end date! SCoPE is offering assistance by organizing the Moodle environment for the conference.
...more http://www.umanitoba.ca/learning_technologies/conferences/foe/index.php
* Seminar: Teaching and Learning Centres
Facilitator: Vivian Neal
June 25-July 8, 2007
This seminar will combine reports via Vivian's blog on her journey to Universities of Sussex, Dundee and Strathclyde with other stories from the field to learn about the compliment of services various teaching and learning centres provide and how their organizational structures impact the way we go about doing our work.
...access the seminar http://scope.lidc.sfu.ca/mod/forum/view.php?id=537
* Cider Session: Using Third Generation Activity Theory and Contradictions to Analyse Qualitative Data
June 8, 2007 10:00 PDT, 17:00 GMT
Elizabeth Murphy and Maria Rodriguez Manzanares will illustrate how they relied on Third Generation Cultural Historical Activity Theory (CHAT) and the concept of contradictions to make sense of data from a case study of e-teaching in virtual high-school classrooms in the province of Newfoundland and Labrador.
...more http://cider.athabascau.ca/CIDERSessions/
* If you would like your event to be listed, please contact Sylvia Currie scurrie@sfu.ca. Check the SCoPE calendar for a full list of online events that will be of interest to members.
...more http://scope.lidc.sfu.ca/calendar/view.php?view=upcoming
3. Activity Recap
* Seminar: Supporting and Advancing Online Dialogue
Facilitator: Cindy Xin
May 7-27, 2007
This seminar began with open-ended questions about the nature of online dialogue and we realized very quickly that we needed to tackle some of our most basic assumptions and definitions. Participants challenged ideas around the practice of dialogue. When does it go beyond conversation and information sharing to a deeper level? How do we know we are in a state of dialogue? Very practical questions and observations about the value of online dialogue in various contexts were also shared. References and quotes continue to be gathered into the seminar wiki. Feel free to contribute!
...access the seminar http://scope.lidc.sfu.ca/mod/forum/view.php?id=165
...access the seminar wiki http://scope.lidc.sfu.ca/mod/wiki/view.php?id=585
SCoPE seminars are always available for reading and afterthoughts. Access all past seminar discussions
... http://scope.lidc.sfu.ca/course/view.php?id=8#section-3
4. New SIGs
Two new special interest groups will be opening soon.
* Faculty members from Queensland Technical University are exploring the possibilities of online communities of practice for advancing their work and invite all SCoPE members to participate in their project.
* What is obvious in one culture may not be obvious to another. Cross Cultural Collaboration will explore the many facets of communication and sharing across cultures.
5. Blogging to Enhance Learning Experiences Book Project
During the February Blogging to Enhance Learning Experiences seminar many participants expressed interest in writing a book together. In our forum we are addressing the details around milestones, publishing options, copyright, and everything else that crops up with collaborative writing projects. During May and June we are in the "write write write" phase so it's not too late to join the project. Choose your role: observer, editor, lead writer, contributer, reviewer, cheerleader... Any way you would like to contribute is appreciated as we write this book together!
...more http://scope.lidc.sfu.ca/course/view.php?id=36
6. SCoPE logos
In response to your requests for SCoPE logos to place on your blogs, web sites, presentations, and print materials, we have uploaded a variety to choose from. We appreciate the talents of Jonathan Nodrick and support of the Learning and Instructional Development Centre for these little gems!
...download logos http://scope.lidc.sfu.ca/mod/resource/view.php?id=621
7. PeriSCoPE
SCoPE members are busy elsewhere...
* Elizabeth Wallace will be presenting "Knowledges Exchange through SCoPE" at the Society of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
... http://www.ualberta.ca/~uts/STLHE/
* Participants in the ETUG Spring Workshop held at Thompson Rivers University in Kamloops, British Columbia gathered in SCoPE to discuss design principles and to develop learning activities to use in Moodle. The workshop was facilitated by Tracy Roberts of Royal Roads University and Sylvia Currie, Nicola Valley Institute of Technology.
* Planning is underway for the Tapped In Festival "Playing to Learn" to be held July 25, 2007. Participants in SCoPE's Serious Games and Virtual Worlds discussion were invited to plan a session highlighting what we learned from playing during that seminar.
...watch for details at http://tappedin.org
* A Facebook SCoPE group is beginning to form. It will be interesting to see what transpires. It's an open group so please join us!
* Check what SCoPE members are blogging about and subscribe to our SCoPE Bloggers feed.
...more http://www.technorati.com/faves/Community
8. About SCoPE
SCoPE, supported by the Learning and Instructional Development Centre at Simon Fraser University, brings together individuals who share an interest in education research and practice, and offers opportunities for dialogue across disciplines, geographical borders, professions, levels of expertise, and education sectors. We organize seminars, events, and ways for practitioners to connect. Membership is free and open to everyone.
Self-register at http://scope.lidc.sfu.ca
9. About MicroSCoPE
SCoPE members receive MicroSCoPE issues automatically. If you prefer to read MicroSCoPE on the website or via RSS, manage your subscription here:
MicroSCoPE is prepared by Sylvia Currie, Community Coordinator (scurrie@sfu.ca).
Please spread the word about SCoPE. Distribute this newsletter!