MicroSCoPE: A Close Look at What's Happening in the SCoPE Community
February, 2006
In This Issue
1. Mark Your Calendars
2. Activity Recap
3. SCoPE Members' Blogs
4. Collaborative Online Book Project
5. Marginalia Web Annotation in SCoPE
6. PeriSCoPE
7. SCoPE is Cool
8. Where are the Upcoming Educational Conferences?
9. About SCoPE
10. About MicroSCoPE
1. Mark Your Calendars
* Seminar "The Role of Online Communities in Developing the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning" begins February 17th
Facilitator: Liz Wallace
We are familiar with the idea that scholarly activities revolve around research disciplines: science, literature, mathematics, social sciences and so on. But what do we mean by scholarship as it applies to teaching and learning? And after we have defined it, how can we foster it? Join us for this seminar to discuss the role of online community in the development of the scholarship of teaching and learning. This seminar discussion coincides with a presentation to members of the STLHE Educators' Development Caucus in Victoria, British Columbia. We extend a special welcome to conference attendees to join the SCoPE community to exchange ideas on this important topic!
...more <http://scope.lidc.sfu.ca/mod/forum/view.php?id=226>
* Check the SCoPE calendar for a full list of events that will be of interest to members. <http://scope.lidc.sfu.ca/calendar/view.php?view=upcoming>
2. Activity Recap
* Seminar "Panda Walks Into a Bar"
Facilitator: Sandra McKenzie
Ah humour! Where would we be without it? Everybody loves a slapstick pratfall, a clever joke, an apt pun, or a witty rejoinder. Humour is a global trait of human beings. But how do we use humour in the online environment? What do we need to consider? How do we judge if an audience is going to be accepting of our use of humour? During this seminar we came to many conclusions. One is that we can have a good belly laugh while talking about humour. And another is that humour is risky business! Together we also compiled a list of common elements of preparing a good monologue for stand-up comedy and preparing an effective webcast. It turns out these activities have a lot in common!
...archive of SCoPE seminar <http://scope.lidc.sfu.ca/mod/forum/view.php?id=105>
...wiki <http://scope.lidc.sfu.ca/mod/wiki/view.php?id=232>
3. SCoPE Members' Blogs
Thanks to Heather Ross and Kate Britt (aka PinkFlamingo) who popped their suggestions in the SCoPE Suggestion Box, we're compiling a directory of SCoPE members' blogs. Please take a minute to add information about your blog.
...more <http://scope.lidc.sfu.ca/mod/glossary/view.php?id=234>
4. Collaborative Online Book Project
This project to write a "how to" book for instructors in growing quickly! There are now over 40 contributers. The Book Project is coordinated through the BC eLearning Marketplace and Expo Community. Several SCoPE members have signed up as chapter and section "mayors", and continue to seek collaborators.
...more <http://scope.lidc.sfu.ca/course/view.php?id=16>
5. Marginalia Web Annotation in SCoPE
Have you tried the Web Annotation tool while participating in SCoPE discussions? Marginalia is an open source Javascript web annotation system that allows users of web applications to highlight text and write margin notes. For background information and a demo on how to use Marginalia, visit SCoPE member and developer Geof Glass' Marginalia Web Annotation project site.
...more <http://www.geof.net/code/annotation/>
6. PeriSCoPE
SCoPE members are busy elsewhere:
Liz Wallace is leading a workshop called "The Role of Online Communities in Developing the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning" at Society for Teaching & Learning in Higher Education - Educational Developers' Caucus Conference.
...more <http://web.uvic.ca/terc/conference/edcconference.htm>
Nancy White presented "Snow White and the Seven Competencies of Online Interaction" at the Northern Voice conference at University of British Columbia. ...more <http://2006.northernvoice.ca/speakers/snow-white>
Susanne Nyrop is co-moderating a workshop on Collaborative Blogging in ESL/EFL for the Electronic Village Online
...more <http://webpages.csus.edu/%7Ehansonsm/Blogging.html>
7. SCoPE is Cool

SCoPE has been voted as a cool site at http://moodle.org. Thanks to everyone who voted!
8. Where are the Upcoming Educational Conferences?
The Educational Conferences calendar, created by SCoPE member Alec Couros of University of Regina, is a quick and easy way to collectively keep up-to-date. Subscribe to the calendar (RSS, iCal, and other possibilities) and add conference events related to Education Technology.
...more <http://scope.lidc.sfu.ca/mod/resource/view.php?id=143>
9. About SCoPE
SCoPE, supported by the Learning and Instructional Development Centre at Simon Fraser University, brings together individuals who share an interest in education research and practice, and offers opportunities for dialogue across disciplines, geographical borders, professions, levels of expertise, and education sectors. We organize seminars, events, and ways for practitioners to connect. Membership is free and open to everyone.
Self-register at <http://scope.lidc.sfu.ca>
10. About MicroSCoPE
SCoPE members receive MicroSCoPE issues automatically. If you prefer to read MicroSCoPE on the website or via RSS, manage your subscription here <http://scope.lidc.sfu.ca/mod/forum/view.php?f=5>.
MicroSCoPE is prepared by Sylvia Currie, Community Coordinator <scurrie@sfu.ca>.
Please spread the word about SCoPE. Distribute this newsletter!