Showing 25 of 25 annotations by anyone with notes matchingtext containing "questions" in forum "Digital Badges - Dec 1-15, 2012"Scheduled Seminar Discussions:


: Should badges be open?
Should badges be open?
by John Dumbrille
should openness be inextricably linked to badges, or loosely linked?A related issue - openness and universally exposed are not the same thing, so what does openness look like. questions Hilda Anggraeni


: TASK 1 (Dec 1st): Describe the merit badge
TASK 1 (Dec 1st): Describe the merit badge
by Peter Rawsthorne
What did you have to do to earn it? Did you earn more than one badge? And were they awarded by the same organization? questions Hilda Anggraeni
If you earned more than one badge, did you display them together? Did you display badges from different organizations together? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Re: TASK 1 (Dec 1st): Describe the merit badge
by Peter Rawsthorne
How important do people believe it is to have clarity around requirements and well known processes and celebrated events for merit badges being awarded. Is this clarity and these known processes and events important to the motivation and awarding of badges? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Re: TASK 1 (Dec 1st): Describe the merit badge
by carla arena
So, one question that springs to my mind is: should the badge criteria be known in advance or is it interesting to have the surprise element, as well? When do participants need to know about it in advance and when does it make sense to keep it as a surprise element in the process? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Re: TASK 1 (Dec 1st): Describe the merit badge
by Paddy Fahrni
A question: do badges expire ? Or are they revokable? questions Hilda Anggraeni


: TASK 2 (Dec 2nd): The digital badge
TASK 2 (Dec 2nd): The digital badge
by Peter Rawsthorne
3. Identify the digital and internet technologies best suited to create a digital merit badge. How would you create the digital file (image) of the badge? Is it possible to keep people from copying the badge without having earned the badge? 4. Describe the technologies that could be used to attach (reference or link) the learning to the digital badge. Is there more than one way of "attaching" learning criteria (or outcomes) to a digital badge? Would this criteria differ from a learners evidence toward earning the badge? Could a badge criteria change through time? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Re: TASK 2 (Dec 2nd): The digital badge
by John Dumbrille
In the absence of a common standard, and a common registry, what do you suggest badge users use for the time being? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Re: TASK 2 (Dec 2nd): The digital badge
by Paddy Fahrni
Do badges need to live on? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Re: TASK 2 (Dec 2nd): The digital badge
by Barbie Bruce
"Do we know if the learners actually care if they get one or not?" questions Hilda Anggraeni


: TASK 3 (Dec 4th): Identify the curriculum
TASK 3 (Dec 4th): Identify the curriculum
by Peter Rawsthorne
Did you have to complete a series of tasks? Did you have to prove mastery of a skill? How was the mastery described? Was the badge knowledge based, how was the knowledge domain described as a learning criteria? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Does a single badge stand on its own or is it best associated with other badges? Do badges cluster in and around knowledge domains? Do badges exists in hierarchies or networks or both? What other patterns can an collection of badges exist? Should we consider the idea of micro-badges which lead toward (or collectively become) a badge? What issues could you see arising from micro-badges? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Re: TASK 3 (Dec 4th): Identify the curriculum
by Jenny Mackness
but what counts as a badge? So does my MA count as a badge, or is it the assignments that I did for the MA that count as badges. Or is the the number of open online courses/seminars I attend? questions Hilda Anggraeni


: TASK 4 (Dec 5th): Go earn some badges already!
TASK 4 (Dec 5th): Go earn some badges already!
by Peter Rawsthorne
Spend some time to find two or more sites that issue badges. Are these event based badges or learning based badges? Do the badges exist on their own or are they a part of a hierarchy or network? Earn some badges and figure out how they are displayed. Were the badges easy to earn? How easily can they be displayed outside of the site where you earned the badges? Display your badges or send the link to a friend. questions SCoPE Administrator
Can you easily describe the criteria for earning the badges you just completed? Were they part of a bigger curriculum? Were the badges more commercially oriented? Would displaying the badges attract other to earn the badges or participate in related learning? questions SCoPE Administrator


: TASK 5.1 (Dec 7th): Designing the badge
TASK 5.1 (Dec 7th): Designing the badge
by Peter Rawsthorne
Does the learning represented by the badge have a de facto standard image. Are there elements of your group, team, organization or institution that also need to be part of the badge? Are there visual elements that are well suited to the learner cohort? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Does your team or organization have resources familiar with creating graphics? Are the resources familiar with the design, branding and layering of images? If your badges start showing up all over the internet do they promote a strong organizational brand? Why does this matter? questions Hilda Anggraeni


: TASK 6 (Dec 9th): Compare and contrast badge systems
TASK 6 (Dec 9th): Compare and contrast badge systems
by Peter Rawsthorne
Take a good look at the badge systems for both scouting and the martial arts. How are these badge systems similar? How do they differ? Where is the entry point for beginning? Is there a badge (belt) for beginning? What about the top end? Could one system end with having completed all the badges? Does one system have the ability to continue to grow? questions Hilda Anggraeni
How many different digital badge systems exist? Are they all in the learning realm? Or are badge being issued for non-learning tasks? Could these non-learnig badges be folded into a greater personal curriculum? Are some of the digital badge systems focused on peer-learning and communities of practice? questions Hilda Anggraeni


: What do you want to know about digital badges?
Re: What do you want to know about digital badges?
by Christine Horgan
defining the concept. briefly exploring the history of the concept. looking at the business model for badges. discussing whether or not badges will/can/could/should be non-credit, continuing education-type courses or whether or not they could be combined into a self-determined, PSE-recognized qualification. looking at the "shape" of badges (hours, resources, evaluations, learner support). questions Hilda Anggraeni
Re: What do you want to know about digital badges?
by Juanita Foster-Jones
Do digital badges provide motivation in education settings. I come from a Library and INformation Studies Background so am also interested as to whether badges can encourage library use? Where is the evidence How portable can these badges be across institutions/organisations questions Hilda Anggraeni
Re: What do you want to know about digital badges?
by Gina Bennett
I would be most interested in exploring some ideas for introducing badges into the credentialling machinery of the postsecondary system. I *know* that the traditional higher ed. system has its own credentialling but I question the value of developing yet another 'parallel' system with no communication or transfer between the 2. I'd also appreciate some hands-on information about how to add my own digital badges to a website: to my LinkedIn profile or other such page. And how an institution or a course could create & distribute its own badge. questions Hilda Anggraeni
Re: What do you want to know about digital badges?
by Patric Lougheed
My question would be how do you (we) counteract the stigma that the term badges suffers from? I have tried to discuss the concepts and uses with colleagues and receive a common reaction of disregard. It seems the association with a type of boy scout reward system blinds people to the potential. questions Hilda Anggraeni


: where are badges being stored and noted?
where are badges being stored and noted?
by Christine Horgan
Where are people starting to "note" their badges? (a) On their Linked In page (perhaps under professional development), (b) on their resumes under professional development, (c) intheir e-portfolios? And . . . are people noting badges under professional development or moving toward a new section on their resume/e-portfolio? (and if the latter, what are the typical titles?) questions Hilda Anggraeni
And . . . are people noting badges under professional development or moving toward a new section on their resume/e-portfolio? (and if the latter, what are the typical titles?) questions Hilda Anggraeni
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