Showing 15 of 15 annotations by Hilda Anggraenianyone with notes matchingtext containing "questions" in forum "Automating Instructional Design: June 6-24, 2011"Scheduled Seminar Discussions:


: Educational templates for instructional design
Educational templates for instructional design
by Bill Thimmesch
So let's put this another way...if, as many of you point out, instructional design in education requires a more creative process, are there more rudimentary tasks that you think might be helpful to automate for new instructors? For example, there is quite a lot of research out there on the best ways to teach critical thinking skills to learners (via case studies) as opposed to how and when to deploy simulations for behavioral practice. Is there an advantage or need to automate this part of the process for new teachers who might not see the fine points between "learning" and "doing"? questions Hilda Anggraeni


: How about this - define curriculum development
Re: How about this - define curriculum development
by Justin Student
What are your thoughts on the appropriation of technology in different cultures? That is, do you think that software apps on devices should be created within and by those in the local context (e.g. for Ugandans, by Ugandans)? Or, can we make these in English 1st world and have them translated into local language? questions Hilda Anggraeni


: Is an automated approach to ISD even possible, desirable?
Is an automated approach to ISD even possible, desirable?
by Bill Thimmesch
Is an automated approach to ISD even possible or desirable? questions Hilda Anggraeni
In an age of increasing collaborative technologies for learning, is ISD still relevant? Learning technologies have emphasized community learning as a new model (wikis, forums, blogs, etc.). But is ISD dead? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Re: An iterative process...
by Bill Thimmesch
when/how to use critical thinking case studies; when/how to use immersive learning scenarios for particular outcomes)? I'm thinking of helping a new ISD professional with knowing the basics of where to start: So I'm creating a new course on negotiation skills for contract managers...what questions should I ask first about the learners/training outcomes that will point me to the most relevant and available tools to teach this skill? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Rubric with performance standards vs. EPSS
by Julia Hengstler
During my MA work I read up on ISD, ADDIE, etc., but don't recall design rubrics as such. Are there any that demonstrate a performance standard range ( I.e. Beginning, developing, capable, expert design)? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Though as I write this, I'm pondering how to scale the design's responsiveness to 4 key C's: context, content/curriculum, & client (learner/target audience) needs? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Is it different where the context & client needs are fairly stable so that you might be able to developed a basic institutional design rubric-- maybe with some sub-rubrics based on type of content ( behavioral, cognitive, etc.)? But then where does instructor's pedagogical approach figure? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Re: Teaching Critical Thinking
by Nicholas Bowskill
Surely if we were just slaves to the environment we are all just living out a pre-scripted life. What about our individual self-determination or our collective agency? questions Hilda Anggraeni


by Nicholas Bowskill
I should have asked how would YOU evaluate the session? What has happened to confirm or change your initial view of automation? What is your view of running a seminar on it? And slightly tongue-in-cheek perhaps, could you have automated this seminar with hindsight? If so what and how? questions Hilda Anggraeni


: Suggested Topic for Seminar Week #2: Online Facilitation Tools
Suggested Topic for Seminar Week #2: Online Facilitation Tools
by Bill Thimmesch
Given all of your experience with online learning and facilitation, what best practices have you seen in higher education for online teaching and facilitation? For example, have you used tools like Voicethread or web conferencing with any success? How do you integrate instant messaging or live student chats to boost interaction and learning? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Re: Suggested Topic for Seminar Week #2: Online Facilitation Tools
by Sylvia Currie
In the context of "automating" these processes (guiding might be the right word here) are there decision-making tools that can help us? I think of useful resources like the Digital Habitats "action notebook" for community stewards, a series of checklists and questions that guide you through the decision process for community stewards. What exists for instructional designers when selecting facilitation tools? questions Hilda Anggraeni


: Where would you like us to go for Week #2?
Re: Where would you like us to go for Week #2?
by B Ferrell
What kind of automation are we desiring? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Re: Where would you like us to go for Week #2?
by Christine Horgan
In my school, we complete around 50 curriculum projects/year and my early questions in every project are Why are we doing this? what do we hope to achieve? what's the best way to approach this course? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Re: Where would you like us to go for Week #2?
by Edward Mokurai Cherlin
Nicholas Negroponte has compared the use of computer labs for an hour or two a week, under the rubric of "Computer Literacy", to having a room with all of the books, paper, and pencils in a school where children can go once or twice a week, but without using them for class work or homework. What sort of literacy do you think that will produce? questions Hilda Anggraeni
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