How to Handle Cross-Browser Compatibility Issues in CSS

How to Handle Cross-Browser Compatibility Issues in CSS

by Sean McCoy -
Number of replies: 2

Hello everyone,

I’m currently facing some challenges with cross-browser compatibility for my website’s CSS. Certain elements look fine in Chrome but appear broken or misaligned in browsers like Safari and Firefox.

What are the best practices or tools you use to test and resolve these kinds of issues? Are there specific strategies for writing CSS that ensure consistent rendering across all major browsers?

I’d love to hear any tips, resources, or workflows that have helped you tackle similar problems.

Thanks for your help!

level devil

In reply to Sean McCoy

Re: How to Handle Cross-Browser Compatibility Issues in CSS

by Sabrina Carpenter -

You can use `flexbox` and `grid` for layout, as they have solid Block Blast cross-browser support. Avoid older layout techniques like `float` unless you're targeting legacy browsers.