Introduce Yourself to the Group

Introduce Yourself to the Group

Number of replies: 0
To introduce ourselves to the group, we will use a Padlet instead of this discussion forum (1). The reason we propose to use this tool as a means of introduction is that Padlet has, embedded within in, a generative AI tool. We are going to use it to introduce ourselves. Here are the steps to doing this.
  1. Go to the Padlet.
  2. Click on the + sign at the bottom right of the screen to start a new post.
  3. Once a new small window opens to allow you to enter your post. Give the title to the post. Use your name (as you would like to be called in this course).
  4. Click on the "..." on the post (if you hover over it, is says "More Attachment Types."
  5. A larger window will open. Choose "I Can't Draw." This open the Padlet's Generative AI tool to create images.
  6. A new window will open. This window asks for your prompt. This prompt will direct the AI to generate an image. Choose a prompt that you feel represents you in some way. For example, if you like mountain biking, consider entering a prompt about a mountain bike going through a trail in the forest. Wait a few seconds for options to be generated. Pick (by clicking on it) the one you prefer. It will be added to your post.
  7. Next, at the bottom of the post you can add text (your cursor should already be there once you added the image). Add the following information:
    1) Your work context. If you teach a class, tell us where and what topic.
    2) Your experience or feelings about AI (list the tools you have already used, if any).
    3) Provide context for your image: why did you ask the AI to draw this? Why does it capture you in some way?
  8. Once you are done, click "Publish" (top right of your post).
  9. Voila! You are done with your post.
  10. We encourage you to read other people's posts. You can also comment on them (consider, for example, letting someone who shares a similar hobby know that you also engage in that hobby!).
If Padlet is new to you, or if you just want someone to show you these steps, you can view the following video.
(if this video is too small, click on the 2 arrows (bottom of the video, second icon from the right) and it will expand to fill your screen. Click Esc once you are done to resize the video to this small size.)
As a reminder: there is no need to post anything on the forum here, everything is done on the Padlet (follow the link that will open in a new window).

(1). This activity was inspired by Lucas Wright's FLO Friday: Teaching and learning with ChatGPT: Navigating the Landscape hosted by BCcampus on May 26, 2023.