Showing 23 of 23 annotations by anyone with notes matchingtext containing "questions" in forum "Evaluation Practices for Informal/Self-Paced Adult Learning: April 13-May 1, 2009"Scheduled Seminar Discussions:


: *Should* informal learning be evaluated?
Re: *Should* informal learning be evaluated?
by Julia Hengstler
How about credentialing? If we believe that substantive learning can take place outside of "formal" schooling experiences--that it is valid--then individuals should be able to use it toward some type of credentialing process should they so wish. questions Hilda Anggraeni
Re: *Should* informal learning be evaluated?
What's the point of going through early undergraduate offerings if my informally acquired knowledge and ability surpasses what these students are asked to learn? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Re: *Should* informal learning be evaluated?
by Julia Hengstler
Ahh--yes, but what does the teacher/instructor/teacher DO with the PLA? Does the instructor & department still require students to sit through the course because on paper the department demands it for compliance--the instructor attempting to "enrich" the content for those with a significant amount of the content already, or are those students exempted from courses or portions of the course? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Re: *Should* informal learning be evaluated?
by Julia Hengstler
Isn't that more of "placing out" of a class/course rather then credentialing the informal learning? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Re: *Should* informal learning be evaluated?
by Christie Mason
What is the value of being awarded those symbolic representations to an individual, a commerce entity, society? Does the value exceed the cost of obtaining that symbol of achievement? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Re: *Should* informal learning be evaluated?
by Nicholas Bowskill
Then I thought about evaluation by who? And according to who's criteria might my informal projects and conversations be evaluated? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Shouldn't evaluation reflect that social dimension much more? questions Hilda Anggraeni


: Emerging Themes and Models
Emerging Themes and Models
by caren levine
I'm wondering if anyone has models or case studies that they would like to share as we move into Week Two? Perhaps you would like to think out loud with the community about an evaluation you are about to undertake? Or perhaps you have an evaluation model to share that has served you well? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Summary of Issues from the Webinar
by caren levine
How do we “recognize” learning? How do we celebrate learning? Do learners distinguish between formal, informal, and nonformal learning? What is the role of portfolios for evaluating and recognizing informal learning? Is informal learning about self-evaluation? Are formal learning assessment tools transferable to the assessment of informal learning? What role do educators play in helping learners assess their own (informal) learning? What are implications for accreditation? What is the relationship between learning and the (self) assessment of that learning? What is measured when assessing informal learning? How is informal learning valued, especially by institutions? questions Hilda Anggraeni


: Informal Learning Contexts
Re: Informal Learning Contexts - Quest Atlantis
by Pamela Stern
The question about informally evaluating informal learning is particularly interesting. I would love to hear more about that from you and others. What might that look like? Is this an observation, level of participation, or analysis of ongoing comments? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Re: Informal Learning Contexts - Quest Atlantis
by Dr. Nellie Deutsch
However, before we begin to evaluate anything, shouldn't we know what we are evaluating? So what is informal learning and how is it connected to formal education? questions Hilda Anggraeni


: Models of Recognizing Informal Learning
Models of Recognizing Informal Learning
by William Owen
So how do we assist in shifting the institutional culture that understands how to evaluate and appreciate (most) research to now include both formal and informal opportunities related to teaching and learning? questions Hilda Anggraeni
hich professional development opportunities would qualify for the program? How do we assign ‘values’ to different types of professional development opportunities (e.g., a one hour vs 3 hour session)? How can we build upon other provincial initiatives (e.g., Learn Together Collaboratory web site)? How do we recognize both participants and facilitators? What type of recognition do we wish to offer (e.g., Letter of Participation provided by an institutional representative or a governmental department, display photos on Learn Together, etc.)? questions Hilda Anggraeni
What models do you know of that serve to both evaluate and recognize informal learning? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Re: Models of Recognizing Informal Learning
by Bonnie Johnston
Could you give further examples of what kinds of learning qualify to get stamped into a participant's passport? I can imagine that participating in a lunchtime workshop on using clickers is probably included, but what about maintaining a professional blog where the blogger is working out thorny profession-related problems? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Re: Models of Recognizing Informal Learning
by Julia Hengstler
Where does this place self-direct informal learning? Is there a process for specified faculty/facilitators to review/interview candidates to "sign-off" on what they know? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Re: Models of Recognizing Informal Learning
by Derek Chirnside
My question is "How can be allow in our formal taught courses the benefits and strengths of informal education?" questions Hilda Anggraeni
Re: Models of Recognizing Informal Learning
by William Owen
What would celebration look like there? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Re: Models of Recognizing Informal Learning
by Bonnie Johnston
we can say that learners have the choice to attend a session that is being pushed out to them, as it is not a requirement of their profession or employment, but during the session, how much do they control? Do they drive the content of the session? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Re: Models of Recognizing Informal Learning
by Christie Mason
Perhaps the question should be "How can we apply the methods of evaluating informal learning resources towards improving formal learning models? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Re: Models of Recognizing Informal Learning
by William Owen
How do we begin to change their ways of thinking about professional development? questions Hilda Anggraeni


: Welcome to our April seminar!
Welcome from Caren
by caren levine
How is it relevant to your work? What are your experiences? What interests you? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Welcome from Bill
by William Owen
What are our shared best-practices? How can what we do in one context extend to another context? How do we recognize, value, and appreciate people's commitment to enhancing their teaching, leadership, and other skills? questions Hilda Anggraeni
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