Emerging Themes and Models

Emerging Themes and Models

by caren levine -
Number of replies: 3
I've been reflecting on themes and issues that are emerging in our discussions. I tried to capture them below - feel free to add:
  • Impact of blended learning in corporate and academic settings
  • Evaluating lifelong learning opportunities
  • Impact of social media on elearning
  • 3D (virtual worlds) learning and evaluation
  • Shifts in thinking about the relationships between formal and informal learning
  • Opportunities to rethink evaluation in learning
I'm wondering if anyone has models or case studies that they would like to share as we move into Week Two? Perhaps you would like to think out loud with the community about an evaluation you are about to undertake? Or perhaps you have an evaluation model to share that has served you well?

Other additions and ideas welcome! (just thinking out loud myself...)

In reply to caren levine

Re: Emerging Themes and Models

by John Smith -
I'm reminded of this paper, suggesting that assessment itself IS an ongoing practice with all kinds of positive and negative consequences:

Brigitte Jordan and Peter Putz, "Assessment as practice: notes on measures, tests and targets,"

In reply to John Smith

Re: Emerging Themes and Models

by caren levine -
John, thanks for this!

I am still reading through it but thought to whet people's appetites with quotes from their introduction:

"There are two equally important observations that emanate from our work on learning and assessment at the Palo Alto Research Center and the Institute for Research on Learning:
· assessment is a normal, ubiquitous part of all social interaction;
· formal assessment methods as used in organizations frequently lead to undesirable results.

These observations are not of a kind. They are like dinosaurs and humans, both bipedal but otherwise occupying rather distinct life spheres. Nevertheless, we might learn something by considering them together. It may just be the case that part of the problem with assessment is precisely that the first observation has not been taken seriously. In this paper we will talk about both and attempt to draw out their importance for rethinking assessment in workplaces and schools. The central proposition here is that, in addition to the standard tests and performance measurements that are routinely administered in our institutions, there are other important forms of assessment that are not usually recognized. These can give us valuable insights and provide leverage for restructuring the way assessment systems are designed.

What emerges out of our work is a framework that complements and amplifies recent thinking around measurement practice, puts formal assessment in perspective and recognizes it as only one piece (albeit a significant one) of the varieties of judgments about performance that play a crucial role in schools, work places, and everyday life.

Throughout the paper we use the general term "assessment" to comprehensively refer to the totality of informal and formal judgments, evaluations, measurements, tests, surveys and metrics that play a role in productive social interaction. We start our discussion with a characterization of two kinds of assessments that are produced on-the-fly, as natural parts of mundane social activities by individuals and groups: inherent assessments and discursive assessments. We then contrast these with formal, standardized measurements used in organizations, which we call documentary assessments. We will show how each of these three assessment types plays a distinct role in articulating the work of individuals and groups on various levels. We will also show how formal, documentary assessments regularly produce dysfunctional behavioral effects because they are disconnected or in opposition to the intrinsic requirements of everyday work practices. In a final section we will suggest implications for further research in the organizational practice of assessments and provide recommendations to managers for the improvement of assessment practice."
In reply to caren levine

Summary of Issues from the Webinar

by caren levine -
Below is a summary of the discussion that took place on our webinar in the form of questions that arose. We encourage you to listen to the archives and follow the text chat. Feel free to post your own notes, reactions, and post-webinar thoughts here.
  • How do we “recognize” learning?
  • How do we celebrate learning?
  • Do learners distinguish between formal, informal, and nonformal learning?
  • What is the role of portfolios for evaluating and recognizing informal learning?
  • Is informal learning about self-evaluation?
  • Are formal learning assessment tools transferable to the assessment of informal learning?
  • What role do educators play in helping learners assess their own (informal) learning?
  • What are implications for accreditation?
  • What is the relationship between learning and the (self) assessment of that learning?
  • What is measured when assessing informal learning?
  • How is informal learning valued, especially by institutions?