Showing 19 of 19 annotations by anyone with notes matchingtext containing "questions" in forum "Developing a National Framework of Teaching Expectations: March 2-22, 2009"Scheduled Seminar Discussions:


: Introduction
Re: What defines competency in a profession?
by Colby Stuart
What defines competency in a profession? Certification does not mean that someone is competent. It only means that they pass certification. questions Hilda Anggraeni
Do we have a way to evaluate their competency or performance? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Do we consider government officials professional - or does their performance demonstrate that they are incompetent bureaucrats? Isn't it government officials who determine what needs credentials? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Are we looking at performance from a credential perspective or from a learning perspective? One is focused on teachers - the other on students. questions Hilda Anggraeni


: Seminar Structure
Seminar Structure
by Gary Hunt
What benefits do national systems have that are not possible with regional or institutional systems? How much of a benefit is portability of a credential? Is the quality of teacher training better under a national framework compared to that in separate institutions? questions Hilda Anggraeni
What are the critical components of a training programme? Should the framework be different for training graduate students compared to junior faculty or professional development for senior faculty? What can other countries take from the UK experience? questions Hilda Anggraeni
What are the personnel and financial resources required to develop, implement, and maintain a national system? What are examples of appropriate national bodies that have the ability to oversee and run a national initiative? questions Hilda Anggraeni


: Topic 1: Desired outcomes of a national system of training and credentialing
Topic 1: Desired outcomes of a national system of training and credentialing
by Gary Hunt
What benefits do national systems have that are not possible with regional or institutional systems? How much of a benefit is portability of a credential? Is the quality of teacher training better under a national framework compared to that in separate institutions? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Re: Topic 1: Desired outcomes of a national system of training and credentialing
by Vivian Neal
how do we have some sort of standards for enhancing the quality of teaching, but not have an over-controling regulatory framework? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Re: Topic 1: Desired outcomes of a national system of training and credentialing
by Nick Noakes
Would there be any traction in Canada with doing this at the Provincial level first? Could you get universities within a Province to do something and then maybe see about national later if these turn out to be so similar that it becomes a logical step? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Re: Credentialing
by Deirdre Bonnycastle
Does traditional teacher training address the learning needs of vocational teachers? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Re: Topic 1: Desired outcomes of a national system of training and credentialing
by Vivian Neal
The culture has changed radically and in a fairly short time. I'm not sure how to change attitudes, but perhaps we should be looking at techniques for creating social change - where to start, how to do it? Thoughts? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Re: Topic 1: Desired outcomes of a national system of training and credentialing
by Rosalie Pedersen
At first blush, it sounds great, yet does taking a course net the level of competence you want? Do we enter the business of performance management and how does this impact the relationship we have with participants? Do we adopt a pass/fail approach or a benchmarking approach? How do we assess prior learning? How do we ensure the mandatory approach meets specific disciplinary needs? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Re: Topic 1: Desired outcomes of a national system of training and credentialing
by Rosalie Pedersen
what would the monetary implications be? What about the precieved benefits of being taught by the researcher and thus encourged to follow the path of research? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Re: Topic 1: Desired outcomes of a national system of training and credentialing
by Wendy Burton
Who are the "good teachers" - whether one subscribes to language of effective or language of excellent - and what is good about them? Can a list of desirable outcomes flow from such an investigation? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Re: Topic 1: Desired outcomes of a national system of training and credentialing
by Gary Hunt
Is there a template for exactly how the programme reviews are structured? questions Hilda Anggraeni


: Topic 2: The structure of a teacher-training framework
Topic 2: The structure of a teacher-training framework
by Gary Hunt
What are the critical components of a training programme? Should the framework be different for training graduate students compared to junior faculty or professional development for senior faculty? What can other countries take from the UK experience? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Re: Topic 2: The structure of a teacher-training framework
by Barbara Berry
Another way would be to consider a "constructivist" approach to applying the framework....what would it look like? Would there even be a national standards framework in a constructivist environment? questions Hilda Anggraeni


: Topic 3: Required resources to develop, implement, and maintain a national system
Topic 3: Required resources to develop, implement, and maintain a national system
by Gary Hunt
What are the personnel and financial resources required to develop, implement, and maintain a national system? What are examples of appropriate national bodies that have the ability to oversee and run a national initiative? questions Hilda Anggraeni
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