👁️ A forum Gallery - AI generated 'self portrait' or avatar
Our day 4 image collection
Turning the gaze of the machine onto ourselves. One of the more daunting challenges you might face in art school is a self-portrait. Staring into the mirror for an extended period while you attempt to draw, paint or somehow 'capture' your likeness on the page. As a beginning artist, it is humbling. Although you always manage to capture something, no two portraits are ever the same.
For most educators, this will never be an activity to take on, but there is one exception. In most social media platforms and Learning Management Systems, you have a profile page. It is a place for you to put your contact information, for sure, but also to share some of your identity and often an image—your avatar.
I always try to encourage folks to put something here, whether it is an actual photo of themselves or not. A picture of a favorite pet is often the fallback choice, or a cartoon character.
The image challenge for today is to replace the default image, as you see below, with an of AI-generated image representing you!