Posts made by Nicholas Bowskill

Okay Richard thanks for the encouragement. I'll check I've covered ethics and maybe draw up a bit of background info (the project and course design) to give it a context too. Then I'll send it to you for consideration. It'll take me a couple of weeks to jump the hurdles and I'll get back to you asap.





On a recent UK-China elearning project we collaboratively developed an online course and I kept a journal of the experience. The journal was shared with the other tutors and became a focus/anchor etc for a highly distributed course tutoring team. If I anonymised any mention of names I thought it might be an interesting contribution to collaborative intercultural etutoring and the people involved as a day by day lived experience of an online course. Would it be of interest to the museum?

I thought it might be a good place to house such a record and something looking beyond whether we were early adopters of Mosaic etc. (also of interest too of course).


Nicholas Bowskill