Posts made by Susan Glynn-Morris

My name is Susan Glynn-Morris and I'm an Instructional Designer at Yukon College. I am grateful to live, work and play in the beautiful traditional territories of the Kwanlin Dün First Nation and the Ta’an Kwäch’än Council. I apologize for my tardy introduction (it's been a busy week!). I have taken a number of FLO courses and learned so much. I am looking forward to this micro-course and learning along side all of you!

A fun fact about me... I LOVE picnics. Below is a photo of our Mothers' Day cookout on the Yukon river. 

This prompt is for a discussion forum near the start of an online Introduction to Project Management and Event Planning course. The intention is to help students see themselves as project managers (even if only informally) and start to think about elements of project management before diving into course content. 


While you may or may not think of yourself as a Project Manager (at least not yet!), we have all 'managed projects', at least informally, at one point or another - from planning a birthday party or family supper, to completing a group assignment for school, to organizing a move or renovation. Heck, sometimes just getting out of the house in the morning can feel like a project!

The point is, we all have experience with 'project management' and 'event planning'. The purpose of this discussion forum is to reflect on our personal experiences and think about what makes a project or event successful. 

For this post, I'd like you to:

  1. Think back to a time you 'managed a project' or 'planned an event' - remember your project or event can be informal.
  2. Write a post briefly describing your project or event in a few short sentences.
  3. Include how it went and what factors you think contributed to its success (or lack of success)

Alice - I like the use of a personal experience and the option to choose their best OR worst example (it can be hard to participate if you can't think of a good example). I also like that you will collaborate on a collective list. 

I was involved in a discussion forum once where, after individually listing elements that contributed to a positive learning experience, we worked in small groups to come up with a short list of what we agreed were the most important elements. The act of narrowing the list and coming to agreement on a limited list forced us to discuss/debate our choices, which I found valuable.

Thank you Sylvia for your thoughtful response. I have really appreciated everyone's feedback. It has given me a lot to think about. I only wish I had more time to do this thinking and make changes as part of this course. I will definitely be keeping track of the comments I have received. Thanks again.