General forums

Forum Description Discussions
Open Forum

This forum is for general conversation throughout the course, particularly for questions and discussions that don't seem to fit anywhere else! Everyone should feel free to both ask and answer other participants' questions in this forum.

Continuing Connections Forum

Use this forum if you'd like to stay in touch with others past the end date of our course to share and discuss things related to online facilitation. (Course facilitators may not be present.)


Learning forums

Topic Forum Description Discussions
Week 1: Preparing for Synchronous Sessions Video Introductions Forum

For this introduction activity, please create a short (less than 2 minutes) video introduction and share it in this forum. Why video introductions? Since facilitating online often does have an element of video to it, it's a good idea to practice your "being on video" skills. This is a great, ...

Week 1 Discussion Forum

Choose at least one of the following discussion prompts and begin a post around it below. (Hint: click on 'Add a new discussion topic'.):

  • Think about any successful synchronous online sessions that you have been a part of. Tell us how the design of the session impacted you and one or two ...
Week 2: Facilitating Synchronous Sessions Week 2 Discussion Forum

After you've had a chance to review one or more of the "Sample Synchros" videos in this unit, please contribute a discussion post here to share your review based on the prompts that are on that activity page. Also, take the time to ask questions of and engage in discussion with your course ...

Week 3: Following Up After Synchronous Sessions Week 3 Discussion Forum

This week in this forum we will be discussing evaluating synchronous sessions as well as checking in on the Practicing Facilitators' sessions and hearing/giving feedback about how they went.

Activity 1: Contribute a short discussion post answering the following question prompt: Why is it important...