General forums

Forum Description Discussions
Course Announcements (Read only)

Hello all, 

This is a space for Emma and I to share important course related news and information with all participants. 

Today's news is that yesterday's Collaborate session recording is now available for people to review if you haven't already.  You'll find it at the bottom of the course Hub page...

Open Forum

This forum is for asking for - and giving - help, clarification, and/or guidance.

Q & A

Exploration Forum – Due:

Step 3: Post it!

Choose one or two of your observations of real-life examples of communication patterns that may be thought provoking for fellow observers to share in this forum. 

  • Title your post clearly to support 'findability' for each other. E.g. Emma's Observations or Donna's Examples. 
  • In your ...
Learning Artifacts Forum – this is a read/watch only space

Please remember that the learning artifact is a place for viewing only. This is to keep this a low risk task by allowing each to share where they are at now, with no commentary on their experience. Thank you. In our commitment to confidentiality, you are welcome to delete your artifact tonight if...

General news and announcements