Topic outline

  • Recommended timeframe for completion: end of Friday (but course remains open until Sunday)

    Getting feedback is one of the best ways to learn. As promised, you will have a chance to give and receive feedback in this course. 
    Things to do:
    1. Download the file Example Rubrics (below) and browse the collection. These are a selection of interesting rubrics that I've collected over time. Perhaps you have your own collection? 
    2. Take a look at the rubrics that your colleagues and peers have posted in the Sharing & Feedback Forum. Use the guiding questions to provide some feedback. Choose someone who hasn't had any feedback given first, and then provide comments to at least one or two other people. 
    3. Join us via [Conference Link] for an informal chat/debrief about the content this week 
    4. Post a response in the Reflection Forum [Requirement for the badge]. 
    • Respond to the following questions in your final reflection. Note, this will be visible to all your fellow participants.

      1. What are your biggest takeaways from this course? 
      2. What is one lingering question or inquiry that you'd like to dig into further?
      3. What has shifted for you this week?

      Contributing to this forum is a requirement for the badge.