FLO Course: Trauma-Informed Teaching OER (Sept 2021)
Topic outline
Badging Requirements:
To receive a badge for this course you will need to complete:
- Introduce self (Discussion forum)
- Comment on a scenario of self-care (Discussion forum)
- Self-Care Plan (Assignment)
- Comment on a scenario of student disclosure (Discussion forum)
- Trauma-Informed Teaching Approach Implementation Plan (Assignment)
If you have any questions would like to engage with other participants, feel free to add your discussion here.
The goal for Week 2 is to explore trauma-informed strategies and integrate them into your practice. This week's topics include:
- Teaching Strategies
- How to Create a Welcoming Environment
- Reflections and Take-Aways
Again, this week is self-paced. You can engage with the content and post to the Discussion Forum at your convenience, ideally before the end of Week 2 to get the most out the course.
The tasks for this week include:
Engage with the materials in the course.
- Engage with the materials in the course
- Comment on a scenario of student disclosure (this will be in the Discussion forum)
- Trauma-Informed Teaching Approach Implementation plan (assignment that you will post to the Assignment Dropbox)
- Synchronous session on (insert date) This session will be recorded and available in the course if you can't make the live session.
- Final Thoughts/Reflections in the Discussion forum and respond to at least one other person.
You will find all of the materials and the respective discussion forums and assignment dropbox under this topic, Week 2: Incorporating Trauma-Informed Practice.
For simplicity sake, we will also add all of the resources we use or quote from under the Resources tab.
ACQUIRE: Pick at least one resource or activity per topic to explore. Feel free to explore as many as your time allows.
TOPIC #1: Teaching Strategies
Mays Imad is one of the leading researchers on trauma-informed teaching.
PowerPoint by Christine Harrington author of Designing A Motivational Syllabus: Creating a Learning Path for Student Engagement.
Offers a good explanation of trauma and traumatic life experiences. Although USA focused includes good statistics. Advice on how to recognize trauma in learners, strategies for helping, a comprehensive list of venerable groups, and a valuable list of resources and references.
Costa's presentation is well done and offers a clear definition of the instructor's role.
This Google Doc is organized around the 6 principles of trauma-informed care. Costa has given permission to share but has asked though that the document is not edited or adapted.
Teaching strategies and instructor self-care.
This guide covers a number of important issues such as disclosures and content notes/warnings.
University of Waterloo's Centre for Teaching Excellence offers this helpful guide to trigger warnings.
TOPIC #2: How to Create a Welcoming Environment
Harnish et al. (2011) discuss the importance of the course syllabus as the first form of communication between students and their instructors.
Looks at facilitation and course design for engagement.
This webpage takes instructors through the full semester and offers tips for every stage of the course.
Instructional strategies focusing on students' mental wellbeing, as well as instructor self-care.
Usually visual elements to help engage students and illustrate concepts.
Great article in general but discusses the Math classroom.
Karina Hagelin discusses ways to integrate trauma-informed practice into librarianship.
ACTION: Put your new learning into action by completing this action item.
Please read the following scenario and write a paragraph (150-200 words) about how you would deal with the situation in a trauma-informed way. Explain how the actions you would take are influenced by the readings, discussion, and videos for this course.
Make forum posts: 1
ASSIGNMENT: This assignment aims to help you identify the necessary elements to implementing a trauma-informed teaching approach. They will be graded as either complete or incomplete, essentially if you do the assignment it is considered complete. We will read all of the trauma-informed implementation plans submitted by (insert date) and may add clarifying questions or feedback where appropriate.
Receive a grade
ADIEU: Leave final comments/thoughts for your fellow participants, the facilitators, or yourself by sharing in this forum.