Showing 20 of 20 annotations by anyone with notes matchingtext containing "resources" in forum "Tools for Collaborating Online: March 1-19, 2010"Scheduled Seminar Discussions:


: Mapping ideas.
Mapping ideas.
by Emma Duke-Williams resources Hilda Anggraeni
Re: Mapping ideas.
by Deirdre Bonnycastle
My favourite mindmapping guru is Mindmap Art. resources Hilda Anggraeni
Re: Mapping ideas.
by E.A. Draffan
I have used several online mind mapping tools (sorry they are all on Web2access and Freemind is a good one (if you do not want too many features) as it is free. resources Hilda Anggraeni
Re: Mapping ideas.
by Deirdre Bonnycastle
Nine Tools for Collaboratively Creating Mind Maps resources Hilda Anggraeni
Re: Mapping ideas.
by Paul Beaufait
As a case in point, a colleague sent me back two maps that I'd prepared on related perspectives of a joint project, at different times, with the same mapping tools (IHMC Cmaps), and suggested that visible differences in the mapping styles deserved further exploration. resources Hilda Anggraeni


: Pedagogy
Re: Pedagogy
by Jenny Mackness
I can clearly remember Stephen Downes at an ALT-C conference (2005) saying that collaboration is - "the joining up of things that do not naturally want to be joined up" - resources Hilda Anggraeni
The Tyranny of Participation and Collaboration in Networked Learning - resources Hilda Anggraeni


: Practicalities of using Collaborative Tools.
Re: Practicalities of using Collaborative Tools.
by Colby Stuart
Here is a link to 35 Great Social Media Infographics resources Hilda Anggraeni
Re: Practicalities of using Collaborative Tools.
by Deirdre Bonnycastle
I just came across a new tool called Type with Me which is supposed to be for collaborative writing. Interesting concept! resources Hilda Anggraeni
Re: Practicalities of using Collaborative Tools.
by E.A. Draffan
Yes this is a really useful service and was once known as Etherpad before it was bought by Google - I just hope it continues to be developed as it is so simple to use. Web2Access evaluation on Type with Me resources Hilda Anggraeni
Re: Practicalities of using Collaborative Tools.
by Jo Ann Hammond-Meiers Open Wonderland to build your virtual world! Create dynamic learning environments, collaborative business applications, or interactive, multi-user simulations. Start with a blank slate, or modify an existing world. While some types of worlds can be created by end-users or 3D artists, this toolkit is designed primarily for developers familiar with the Java programming language. As a developer, you can extend any part of the system and add functionality by creating modules, the Wonderland version of plugins. resources Hilda Anggraeni


: Waving Goodbye.
Waving Goodbye.
by Emma Duke-Williams
It seems as if Wave itself is going to end as a standalone tool; though some aspects are going to be included in other tools. resources Hilda Anggraeni


: Welcome!
Re: Welcome!
by WL Wong
And this is one of the bots that I am really impressed with in Wave - Translation bot Rosy and potential for education resources Hilda Anggraeni


: What exactly *is* collaboration?
Re: What exactly *is* collaboration?
by Sylvia Currie
Dave Pollard (first blog I ever subscribed to!) created a really useful table in 2005 to distinguish among collaboration cooperation, and coordination resources Hilda Anggraeni
And more in his post, also from 2005: "virtual collaboration". Notice that he suggests social networking tools are best suited for finding collaborators and that "most actual collaboration is done using other tools and media". resources Hilda Anggraeni
Re: What exactly *is* collaboration? [an investment of time]
by Paul Beaufait
One characteristic of collaboration that is of particular interest or, should I say, concern is the time it takes. Crossing over from Emma's mindmap (found in the wave, Mapping the Work), where I'd just tacked "How to find or make the time?" onto the branch Emma resources Hilda Anggraeni
collaborative dialogue - reaching a certain depth
by Sylvia Currie
The earlier SCoPE seminar Paul refers to was Talking the Walk: Narratives of Online Learner Collaboration. Sarah Haavind, who has done a lot of research on collaborative dialogue, contributed an interesting perspective to that discussion (as she always does!). In this post Sarah attached an excerpt from her methodology that explains the "depth" that leads to a collaborative event. resources Hilda Anggraeni
Re: What exactly *is* collaboration?
by Sylvia Currie
Clint Lalonde, who has been participating in this seminar (mostly over in the waves, I think), is co-facilitating a discussion this week as part of his graduate course at Royal Roads University. Clint posted about his distributed discussion experiment on his blog. He is directing the course participants to a blog post by Ben Grey who writes about the differences between collaboration and cooperation. resources Hilda Anggraeni
Re: What exactly *is* collaboration?
by Deirdre Bonnycastle
Just as we wind up someone published Wikis: what students do and do not do when writing collaboratively resources Hilda Anggraeni


: Winding up.
Re: Winding up.
by Colby Stuart
before you go, here is link to The Complete Guide to Google Wave resources Hilda Anggraeni
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