Showing 3 of 3 annotations by anyone of work by Sylvia Currieanyone in forum " Writing an e-book about e-books for fun and no profit: Feb 1-14, 2012"Scheduled Seminar Discussions:


: Reading experiences with e-pubs
Re: Reading experiences with e-pubs
by Sylvia Currie
and I can often remember where I read something just by the placement on the bookshelf and the cover. book vs eBook Hilda Anggraeni
That issue aside, I absolutely love reading on my iPad, and while I don\'t necessarily read more, I do read at different times and locations than I did before. I like that I can put my feet up while reading the PDF that was just sent to me by email. And, like Clint, I read more in bed. I think one reason is the backlight, and a design flaw in my bedroom; I have to get out of bed to turn off the reading light. Now I can just touch the iPad off button and roll over. :-) why we love eBook Hilda Anggraeni


: Welcome to our seminar: Writing an e-book about e-books for fun and no profit
Welcome to our seminar: Writing an e-book about e-books for fun and no profit
by Sylvia Currie
Scott Leslie has a fancy title for his role at BCcampus, but I prefer the description from his popular blog Edtechpost: \"educational technologist, hacker, researcher and open content/open network activist\". During this seminar Scott will be helping us to understand the strategies and technologies around e-book authoring. Hida Angraenni and Diana Chan are two amazing co-op students from Simon Fraser University who are changing our lives at BCcampus! Their official title during this seminar is \"researcher/curator\" but they will be doing a whole lot more; with their help we will be turning this discussion into an e-book. Randy LaBonte, Community Access Coordinator for eCampusAlberta Professional Learning, helped to plan this event and will moderate Tuesday\'s web conference.   Sylvia Currie
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