Showing 3 of 3 annotations by anyone of work by Nik Peacheyanyone with notes matchingtext containing "resources" in discussion "The CHALLENGE: create a two to three minute video"forum "Humanizing the Online Experience: May 25-June 7, 2009":


: The CHALLENGE: create a two to three minute video
Re: The CHALLENGE: create a two to three minute video
by Nik Peachey
I actually hate seeing myself on the webcam, though I do think they are amazingly useful tools. I wrote an article on wonderful things you can do with them at: resources Hilda Anggraeni
Re: Tools for creating and editing videos
by Nik Peachey A free online video conferencing, video blogging communication tool that runs in your browser. You just use it with your webcam. I wrote some teaching suggestions and created a video tutorial for it here: resources Hilda Anggraeni
I also like 12 Seconds Tv Which is like the Twitter of video. You just have 12 seconds to record your video statement. I also wrote some tips on how to use this with students: resources Hilda Anggraeni
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