The CHALLENGE: create a two to three minute video

The CHALLENGE: create a two to three minute video

by Sylvia Currie -
Number of replies: 36
We have homework! big grin As promised at today's session, I'm attaching the document Jesai prepared for us to create our videos (PDF 396 KB).

There are many options for recording and uploading. I think it was Nellie who suggested Facebook as a place to our videos. We have a SCoPE group set up here all ready to upload videos so that is one option. If you upload to YouTube or BlipTV (or others) you can post the link here, or embed the video right into the forum post. That could get interesting. But hey, this seminar is all about seeing how far we can take the technology in order to humanize our experience, right? wink

Anyway, we can use this forum to talk about the how, what, where of our video project. Can't wait to get started!
In reply to Sylvia Currie

Re: The CHALLENGE: create a two to three minute video

by Derek Chirnside -
Oh No.
Homework. What shall I do!! The help requests waiting in my intray? Finish editing Edition 3 of my Moodle course design handbook? Finish the poster for tomorrows CARN conference? More work on the video classes project?

Hey wait a minute. Video classes can do the homework. OK onto it.
In reply to Sylvia Currie

Re: The CHALLENGE: create a two to three minute video

by Jesai Jayhmes -
Given that you could be already at home even when you are on the seminar, the concept of homework takes on a different meaning.

Call it an "invitation". Probably most of you have webcam, video recording capablilities. When you have a look at the pdf document that Sylvia made available take it as a simple fun project to create your "studio".

I saw that Sylvia changed the direction of her webcam. It used to point at a window that made her face completely silouhete (sp?). It was so nice to see her smiling face... wasn't it?

You see, you are or can be a significant part of the delivery of your message. The invitation is to be willing to be seen online, no different than you have to decide what to wear to show up for a meeting. Here you have to decide what to wear and how well your viewers will see and hear you. (lighting and sound)
In reply to Jesai Jayhmes

Re: The CHALLENGE: create a two to three minute video

by Susanne Nyrop -
Just in time challenge this is for me.

In the past I have been experimenting with quite little success earlier on using webcam for synchronous sessions, this will quote often bring in trouble from one side or another, and to me, personally having my proper face transmitted while i am also busy at my keyboard can be - well - kind of intimidating. I could not possibly keep my head in a still position, usually moving in all directions to find stuff on my desk off screen, reaching out to my book shelf to look up a term, sipping a mug of tea, such things to avoid when in a synch session with direct webcam. Unless of course you're just up to some fun. I recall a halloween session using webcams (in a Webheads experiment) where we had dressed up for fun wearing hats and masks, etc. That made me feel much more at ease!

Whereas I have over time become used to, and even happy with listening to my own weird voice in a recording, I still find that I do look quite stupid on video, truly I do! (Just wait until you see the result and you' ll know why!)

Making a prepared video recording is different. I can take my time and prepare the studio well on beforehand, change the lighting and find out where my head will actually appear in the screen window. If I found out how to do so, with those tools that I have at hand here and now, I might even go into some qiock and dirty editing, cutting away messy chunks etc.

Hopefully, my inner perfectionist will make me do this without too much time taking elaborations. That's also why I just post my instant thoughts right here and now!
In reply to Sylvia Currie

Re: The CHALLENGE: create a two to three minute video

by Dr. Nellie Deutsch -
If you have patience and want to listen, I have added 3 videos wink
In reply to Dr. Nellie Deutsch

Re: The CHALLENGE: create a two to three minute video

by Penny Heaslip -

Dear Nellie

Thanks for posting your videos. I hope to do one.  Penny Heaslip

In reply to Dr. Nellie Deutsch

Re: The CHALLENGE: create a two to three minute video

by Jesai Jayhmes -
Congratulations to Nellie for being first. Who is next...For taking the challenge.
Who knows, this might turn into a reality tv show.... just kidding.
This is our workshop tryout area.

Here is the secret of Humanizing the Online Experience.
You are the human! and although most of us are pretty comfortable being human face to face, Nellie mentioned how challenging it is to be so talking to yourself, to a camera, to people who may or may not be there.

A few tips.
1. Imagine who you are talking, make it in your mind someone you care about.
2. Look into the lens of the camera to make eye contact with your listeners, be sure you know where the lens is.
3. You can script it in advance so you know what you intend to say, but don't read it... give it the feeling of spontaniety.
4. If it is marketing or focussed on motivating students suggest what is in it for them to pay attention to you.

Showing up as an enthusiastic, passionate human on camera is a challenge. It is not the same as live.... and yet it is possible to do it quite well with a little practice.

Have fun practicing. you can cut, paste, edit, take the best take etc.
In reply to Sylvia Currie

Sylvia's video

by Sylvia Currie -
I think if I just said "ummm" a few more times this video would be perfect! LOL

A bit about process: I recorded it using iMovie (Mac), uploaded it to the Facebook SCoPE group (scroll down to the bottom to see videos), then clicked the "embed this video" link to copy the code to paste it to this forum. Note, when you paste code to the forum you need to click on the icon on the editing toolbar that looks like this: <> to switch to HTML source mode.

Can't wait to see the videos from everyone else!
In reply to Sylvia Currie

Re: Sylvia's video

by Jesai Jayhmes -
Inspirational step by step how to!
and the great thing about video is you can keep recording it til you get it the way you want.

Thank you for Nellie taking the first risk and for Sylvia for stepping up. You have both brought to light what "Humanizing" is about. It is how you come across as you, "the human" in this medium.

There is always the opportunity to shy away from it, but here we have a forum where it is possible to show up that way, to be seen on the air, as it were.

and each of us has judgements about ourselves that we don't want others to see, whether its a nose, a hair style or lack of intelligence.
Putting those mostly unfounded judgements aside...

...this is a process of self observation as much as anything else. Of having a look at how actually you come across and things you can do to make it be more natural and effective at the same time.

You can post several "takes" here as well. i think this is what they call a "Vlog". Lets explore the possiblility that the forum will be our "vlogesphere" which I understand to be video blogs and keep the tradition going. Its great to have a current context that lets everyone contribute.

Posting videos is the next form of asynchronous chat and may be one of the best ways to use video as the bandwidth for real time still does present some challenges.

Who's next?
In reply to Sylvia Currie

Re: Sylvia's video

by Dr. Nellie Deutsch -
Wow, this is great, Sylvia!!! I cannot seem to accesss iMovie for XP PC. Any suggestions?

Thank you.
In reply to Dr. Nellie Deutsch

Tools for creating and editing videos

by Sylvia Currie -
I mentioned iMovie for creating a video. It's also great for editing. Ahhhhh, maybe I should go back and edit some of those ummmms!

But as Nellie pointed out it's not available for Windows. I believe Movie Maker would do the trick. Anyone know?

Also, a very simple way to record your video is directly in Facebook or YouTube (others too I'm sure).

What are some other tools for creating and editing videos?

In reply to Sylvia Currie

Re: Tools for creating and editing videos

by Emma Duke-Williams -
Jane Knight's got a useful list of tools - - they include audio/image as well as video - but it shows if they cost/are free & the platforms they're for.

I've used Windows Movie Maker in the past - in fact, it was the only thing I could find at the time that let me rotate a video ... I'd recorded something on my digital camera, and had put it portrait rather than landscape. Windows Movie maker could cope!

You might also find that your camera came with some tools - often a free version of commercial software. (I can't remember now what mine came with & it's at home - though looking at Jane's list, I think it was Pinnacle)
In reply to Emma Duke-Williams

Re: Tools for creating and editing videos

by E.A. Draffan -
Hi there Emma! I am so sorry I have been lurking as I know I will never get a video made this week sadly. I am off to Holland for a few days so panicking about work! I just wanted to say that Jane Hart's site is amazing for all sorts of useful tools linked to e-learning. Her pick of the day is also incredibly useful. I hope you will forgive me for just listening in - all the updates on the technologies everyone is using are fantastic! Best wishes...
In reply to Sylvia Currie

Re: Tools for creating and editing videos

by Dr. Nellie Deutsch -
Here is an example of Movie Maker and what it can do. I trust there is a difference.

In reply to Dr. Nellie Deutsch

Re: Tools for creating and editing videos

by Nik Peachey -
My favourite tools for creating video are: A free online video conferencing, video blogging communication tool that runs in your browser. You just use it with your webcam. I wrote some teaching suggestions and created a video tutorial for it here:

It also now allows you to embed the videos into blogs or webpages too.

I also like 12 Seconds Tv Which is like the Twitter of video. You just have 12 seconds to record your video statement. I also wrote some tips on how to use this with students:

When I edit vido I tend to use i-Movie on MAC, which works really well and is a freebie that cmes with the MAC. I find working with video MUCH easier on a MAC as things are nicely integrated. I can even upload directly form i-movie to my YouTube channel. All of which saves a lot of time.


Nik Peachey
In reply to Nik Peachey

Re: Tools for creating and editing videos

by Deirdre Bonnycastle -
I used VideoWave to create my piece because it will capture DVD movies (my camera only records to DVD). I like its ability to add simple transitions like the Maple Leaf in my video.
In reply to Nik Peachey

Re: Tools for creating and editing videos

by Jo Ann Hammond-Meiers -
Dear Nik,
Thanks for these sites and for your previous work. I have always found you a great source of information.

I don't have a Mac, but am wanting one, in addition to my PC. Someday.

I will not be able to attend the Scope eluminate as I have clients all morning.
I will check the recording later. I need advance notice of the exact time and day ahead of time -- as I book it like a client when I have that notice.

I will be making another video to take up the challenge -- when I can -- sometime this week. I know that being interesting in art therapy and dance/movement therapy requires more than a talking head, but I will see what I can come up with -- a little more creative spice. Jo Ann
In reply to Nik Peachey

Re: Tools for creating and editing videos

by Jesai Jayhmes -
thanks for your suggestions Nik. I love imovie but haven't heard of the others you suggested. Will have a look.
In reply to Sylvia Currie

Re: The CHALLENGE: create a two to three minute video

by Penny Heaslip -

Here is my first attempt at a video. Penny Heaslip
In reply to Penny Heaslip

Re: The CHALLENGE: create a two to three minute video

by Dr. Nellie Deutsch -
Thank you for sharing, Penny. I now feel more connected to you as a person. Watching your video is much more engaging than listening to audio or reading a discussion thread.
In reply to Penny Heaslip

Re: The CHALLENGE: create a two to three minute video

by Jesai Jayhmes -
That's excellent Penny and Alice. Thanks for taking the plunge. It only gets more fun from here.

It is strangely different to record something when no one is there and to talk real time with others.

You were both very natural.

I do encourage all of you to give a little attention to the lighting.
Put a couple table lamps on either side of your face just a little in front. Don't leave it up to the computer screen to light your face. Mostly you'll look spooky, bleached out and bizarre.

Select, if possible, what you show in the background. Perhaps a plant? a picture? keep it simple if you are not referring to it.

I am delighted to see glimmers of enjoyment in those of you who are wading in. It shows the others what they're missing.

Any men out there want to be the first of your gender?

The next step after getting the technology right and smiling ever so slightly.....
Is to take it up a notch with your energy and enthusiasm. I find if I am passionate and excited about my subject that can be quite infectious in a good way.

Share your passion and enthusiasm for what you do and who it serves. Let that be seen and felt even more.

In reply to Jesai Jayhmes

Re: The CHALLENGE: create a two to three minute video

by Nik Peachey -
Hi Jesai,

I'll take the challenge to be the first male to post a video, though I am cheating a bit as this was one I had already created. I think it's a good example of what to avoid. It was created late at night (to get some P and Q ) , I had a cold and wasn't feeling well and was really stressed to get it done in order to complete a training session on e-safety I was doing. I was also reading from a script, which is a disaster. Anyway here it is:

The worst thing about it though, is that having done it and uploaded it to the web ( I added it to to get teachers discussing it there) is that you can't really take it back! All the more reason to get things right.

I actually hate seeing myself on the webcam, though I do think they are amazingly useful tools. I wrote an article on wonderful things you can do with them at:

(I'm still trying to complete the follow up part 2)

Having said this though, for direct communication I actually prefer using Second Life. I can hide behind an avatar there and don't have to worry so much about these things like lighting and what I'm wearing.

Anyway, once I get a few more lamps I'll have another go at videoing myself. Thanks for the guidance so far.


Nik Peachey | Learning Technology Consultant, Writer, Trainer
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In reply to Nik Peachey

Re: The CHALLENGE: create a two to three minute video

by Jo Ann Hammond-Meiers -
Dear Nik,
Thanks for this Youtube and for being the first "male" to get a video to us.

The message is worthy and well said. Even though it is a script being read, the video comes across as constructive and the intention feels positive. I feel like I know you better than before -- that is, just by texts -- which we have written on Scope before. Thanks for being brave.

I don't know why I have been unable to load my two videos onto Scope. At first I had to deal with the fact that my camera checks out but the logitec program does not seem to connect to it and now I have to have a tech in to examine my usb port. However I was able to use my colleague's computer at work and after setting it up, I did two videos, one today and one two days ago.

I have them sitting on my desktop but can't download them -- as I need to find the "click to add video" on the Scope facebook which does not appear anywhere or maybe does not exist.

I tried to joing the Scope facebook group, but maybe I'm a member now, but I don't think so -- and I don't think the sign up recognized me.

I repeated my attempts to join a few times. I did see the site and I saw the video of Sylvie and some others there -- so I think I was on it.

If anyone could help me with posting my video on the scope group, I will put them online.

I don't like the idea of putting them on my own facebook but I see there is a picture of a camera on my own site. I'm hestiant to put this experiement out there -- for all time and prosperity, but I will. I don't want to use Youtube for this exercise as I see it for our group and myself as learning, but I do want to use Youtube professionally with art therapy simulation videos eventually.

Thanks for sharing Nik and all the others.
In reply to Jo Ann Hammond-Meiers

Re: The CHALLENGE: create a two to three minute video

by Sylvia Currie -
Jo Ann, I checked the SCoPE Facebook group and you don't seem to be on the roster. I'm not sure why FB is not letting you join the group! But you do need to be a member to have that "upload video" link show up.

Another option is to attach your video file to a forum post like Penny did. When you're composing a message scroll down to the bottom and you'll see an attachment option. Browse your hard drive to find your movie and and it will become attached to your forum post. You can only attach one file at a time so you'll need to post 2 messages to upload both of your videos.

Can't wait to see it! I've known you for a long time but only through text!
In reply to Sylvia Currie

Re: The CHALLENGE: create a two to three minute video

by Jo Ann Hammond-Meiers -
Dear Sylvia and all,

I'm loading one of the videos, but I'm not sure it is small enough. There is a (10MB) limit.

The other one has a better picture -- but the sound did not work. However I think this one is okay for a first. I will do another next week.

It is all learning. wide eyes
Jo Ann
In reply to Sylvia Currie

Re: The CHALLENGE: create a two to three minute video

by Penny Heaslip -
The main reason that I posted the video file to the forum was that I did not want to have my video on UTube.  I have real concerns about my privacy and who has access to information about me.  The web is not secure and as a learner I would prefer not to have "my learning" available to the whole world.   That being said this seminar has been a great learning experience and has for me has broken the ice re trying a new way to reach students.  If I ever get a chance to teach online I will certainly use video clips as away to interact with students. 
In reply to Penny Heaslip

Re: The CHALLENGE: create a two to three minute video

by Christine Horgan -
Hello: You folks look as though you're having an enormous about of fun (and some frustration). I wish I had time to do more than lurking. Is someone posting a summary of the good, bad, and ugly? Thank you, Chris
In reply to Penny Heaslip

Re: The CHALLENGE: create a two to three minute video

by Jesai Jayhmes -
Hi Penny,
I agree with you about the privacy issues on youtube and other public free platforms. It is important to be careful. It would be great if the scope site could enable direct uploading of videos.

In reply to Jesai Jayhmes

Re: The CHALLENGE: create a two to three minute video

by Sylvia Currie -
SCoPE can actually display videos directly when attached to a forum post. I just flipped the switch to enable it and have been fiddling with different formats and file sizes. I notice the files with .wmv format take forever to load, but .mov files load just fine. I'll keep investigating.

I know what Penny means about posting videos publicly. While SCoPE is open to the public it is less likely that others will come across your videos here. I posted my video to the SCoPE group in Facebook but didn't know it would also show up on my own FB page. Minutes later I received a comment from my best friend from grade 2! And my sisters were all over it. big grin

YouTube has a setting to make your movie private, but you still have access to the embed code to provide access from SCoPE. There's a restriction on how many times you can view private video but I'm not sure that applies when embedded.

In reply to Sylvia Currie

Re: The CHALLENGE: create a two to three minute video

by Alice Macpherson -
Later the same week ...

the hard part was not in making the video (I will improve).
The hard part was figuring out how to get it into this message!

Here are a few video words from me!

In reply to Sylvia Currie

Re: The CHALLENGE: create a two to three minute video

by Deirdre Bonnycastle -

I uploaded the video to my daughter's

site and when I tried embedding it, I lost everything I had written. Arghh!

(Edited by Sylvia Currie - original submission Saturday, 30 May 2009, 03:32 PM)

In reply to Deirdre Bonnycastle

Re: The CHALLENGE: create a two to three minute video

by Sylvia Currie -
Arghh! Frustrating is right, Deirdre. Sometimes toggling back and forth from the HTML source and the wysiwyg editor can be tricky when you're adding embed code. I took the liberty of editing your post to embed the video directly, and chose a red control bar to match your shirt. :-) So neat to see and hear you!
In reply to Deirdre Bonnycastle

Re: The CHALLENGE: create a two to three minute video

by Jo Ann Hammond-Meiers -
Dear Deirdre,
Great to hear and see you. We have been together on Scope many times now, but I can really enjoy you more by seeing you too and a bit of the University of Saskatchewan. I've gone to the University of Alberta a view times this week and it was sunny and truly fine. Wonderful weather for a change.

Thanks for giving us this personal touch. Warmly, Jo Ann
In reply to Deirdre Bonnycastle

Re: The CHALLENGE: create a two to three minute video

by Deirdre Bonnycastle -
What the embed code took out was my thoughts about "talking head" video as opposed to video lessons. I dislike them and therefore don't have a webcam. As some of you know, I get angry when online presenters use Elluminate and don't use PowerPoint because they dislike it when it is necessary for my learning process.

So I'll accept that my dislike of video introductions is equally arrogant and ignores the need of some students for presence. blush
In reply to Deirdre Bonnycastle

Re: The CHALLENGE: create a two to three minute video

by Jesai Jayhmes -
Thanks Dierdre.
Its all balance.

Each one of us learns differently. By experimenting with all the options we have more chances to connect, and just never know who will respond.

Perhaps a few of you have had bad experiences with watching video introductions. Some folks might go on and on about things that have no relevance to their listeners. No one here of course.
The best rule is the same one for any performer.....
Keep it focussed on the purpose.... and.....
Always leave them wanting more!