Showing 10 of 10 annotations by anyone with notes matchingtext containing "questions" in discussion "What is your experience with blogging?"forum "Blogging in Professional Networks: Nov 8-26, 2010":


: What is your experience with blogging?
What is your experience with blogging?
by Glenn Groulx
For those entirely new to blogs, what are your impressions and perceptions about the usefulness of blogs? questions Hilda Anggraeni
How do you think blogs work as a networking tool? What features do you think are important? questions Hilda Anggraeni
What are a couple main reasons for why you blog? What roles does the blog play? What other bloggers do you follow? Why? What is your preferred style of writing? How frequently do you post? Has your blogging changed over time? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Re: What is your experience with blogging?
by Glenn Groulx
You also mentioned you have several blogs, including a professional blog - is that edublog more formal than the teaching sandbox blog? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Do you enable commenting on all your blogs? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Re: What is your experience with blogging?
by Michael Griffith
Empowering Adult Learners through Blog: An Australian Case Study, (with Loong Wong), Chapter 2 of Adult Learning in the Digital Age. Terry T. Kidd (Ed.). Igi Global: 2010. There is a link to this book at: questions Hilda Anggraeni
Re: What is your experience with blogging?
by Glenn Groulx
You mention that your students are encouraged to post in the open from behind the institutional firewall. How many of them do so? Have you noticed that at the beginning of the course, there is a warming up period, a period of reluctance to blog, a reticence, and you need to engage them in a dialogue to persuade them to contribute? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Re: What is your experience with blogging?
by Michael Griffith
Great to hear that others are using Blogging for teaching literature. How do you use it Dilip? Do you have a regular fixed, assessable requirement? How do you encourage your students to engage? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Re: What is your experience with blogging?
by Glenn Groulx
How did they do their tagging? What are they posting about? What data streams and info-scraps are they weaving into their narrative? What sources are they quoting, citing, or drawing from? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Different levels of blogging
by Sylvia Currie
Another way to look at different levels of blogging is to think about your audience. Who are you writing for and what do you expect from your readers? questions Hilda Anggraeni
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