Topic outline

    • If you have any questions would like to engage with other participants, feel free to add your discussion here.


    Text and media area: 1
  • The goal for Week 1 is to get acquainted with ourselves and each other. This week's topics include:

    • Introduction to facilitators and participants
    • Introduction to the topic
    • Boundaries and Self-Care
    • Empathy

    Note: We recognize that participants are often working full-time and have busy personal lives, so we wanted to let you know that the tasks for Week 1 can be accomplished at your own pace, ideally before we start Week 2 to get the most out of the course. When taking a similar type of course, I have found it stressful to realize that if I haven't posted my introduction by the end of the first day, that I am already behind. Knowing this we have broadened our expectations to remove this pressure.

    The tasks for this week include:

    • Synchronous session on (insert date). This session will be recorded and available in the course if you can't make the live session.
    • Introduce Yourself in the Discussion forum and respond to at least one other person.
    • Engage with the materials in the course
    • Comment on a scenario of self-care (this will also be in the Discussion forum)
    • Self-Care plan (assignment that you will post to the Assignment Dropbox)

    You will find all of the materials and the respective discussion forums and assignment dropbox under this topic, Week 1: Starting with Self.

    For simplicity sake, we will also add all of the resources we use or quote from under the Resources tab.

    Text and media areas: 17 Forums: 2 URLs: 23 Files: 4 Assignment: 1
  • The goal for Week 2 is to explore trauma-informed strategies and integrate them into your practice. This week's topics include:

    • Teaching Strategies
    • How to Create a Welcoming Environment
    • Reflections and Take-Aways

    Again, this week is self-paced. You can engage with the content and post to the Discussion Forum at your convenience, ideally before the end of Week 2 to get the most out the course. 

    The tasks for this week include:

    Engage with the materials in the course.

    • Engage with the materials in the course
    • Comment on a scenario of student disclosure (this will be in the Discussion forum)
    • Trauma-Informed Teaching Approach Implementation plan (assignment that you will post to the Assignment Dropbox)
    • Synchronous session on (insert date)  This session will be recorded and available in the course if you can't make the live session.
    • Final Thoughts/Reflections in the Discussion forum and respond to at least one other person.

    You will find all of the materials and the respective discussion forums and assignment dropbox under this topic, Week 2: Incorporating Trauma-Informed Practice.

    For simplicity sake, we will also add all of the resources we use or quote from under the Resources tab.

    Text and media areas: 11 URLs: 19 Forums: 2 Assignment: 1
  • All the resources used in this course are listed here alphabetical by title.

    Forum: 1 URLs: 38 Files: 4