Showing 11 of 11 annotations by anyone with notes matchingtext containing "resources" in forum "Cases in Online Interview Research: Feb 20 - Mar 3, 2012 "Scheduled Seminar Discussions:


: E-Interview Examples and Resources
Re: E-Interview Examples and Resources
by Janet Salmons
Cases in Online Interview Research Sample Chapters and companion website. Online Interviews in Real Time Sample Chapters and companion website Janet Salmons' Qualitative E-Interview Tips, sample syllabus and learning resources. resources Hilda Anggraeni
Re: E-Interview Examples and Resources
by Janet Salmons
My friend Ismael Pena-Lopez has posted some resources you may find of interest o his blog, including presentations he made at conferences. See e-Research: social media for social sciences (revisited) resources Hilda Anggraeni
Re: E-Interview Examples and Resources
by Janet Salmons
See Wiley Online Library resources Hilda Anggraeni
Zalinger, J. (2012). The Story of Ethnochat: Designing an Instant Messaging Program to Conduct Semi-Structured or Unstructured Interviews. In C. Silva (Ed.), Online Research Methods in Urban and Planning Studies: Design and Outcomes (pp. 86-98). doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-0074-4.ch006 Here is a link to the book chapter: resources Hilda Anggraeni
Jason Zalinger's site: resources Hilda Anggraeni


: Part 1. E-Interview Research Framework
Part 1. E-Interview Research Framework
by Janet Salmons
See the Prezi overview and the brief recorded introduction! Please take a look at the explanation in Chapter 1 of Cases in Online Interview Research. If you do not have the book you can use the free chapter posted on the Sage site. resources Hilda Anggraeni


: Part 2. Interviews and Postings: Conducting Research with Social Media
Links to the chapters
by Sylvia Currie
This is the link Janet posted: Here's a link ro the chapters that are available for download: resources Hilda Anggraeni


: Part 4: Visual and Verbal Interviews
Part 4: Visual and Verbal Interviews
by Janet Salmons
If you are interested in visual interviews, please note that an entire chapter of Online Interviews in Real Time is dedicated to the topic. Also, I recently recorded a presentation made at the TQR conference. You can view the presentation and download the handout. resources Hilda Anggraeni


: Please introduce yourself!
Re: Please introduce yourself!
by David Porter
I already use Skype quite a bit and have a few tools to help with the collection and processing of interview data. Tools like: Call recorder for Skype Transcriva Hindenburg Journalist Pro (also works with Skype and is designed for podcasting and radio storytelling) TAMS Analyzer (because I use a Mac) resources Hilda Anggraeni
Ann Randall
by Ann Randall
Since the online interviews I conducted were within the Second Life virtual world, the primary tools I used were within the virtual world application itself—notecards, IM, and chat (with logging enabled). I did not use voice; all my interviews were text interviews. Although most students also agreed to the interview through e-mail consent, a couple handled that in-world through a notecard. I used an Excel spreadsheet to keep participant data and note interview times and places. And to analyze the interviews I used TAMS Analyzer, a freeware product for the Mac. resources Hilda Anggraeni
Re: Please introduce yourself!
by David Porter
There is another Mac-capable qualitative analysis tool that can be used for processing text data. It's called HyperResearch. Works like the others, nVivo, AtlasTi, TAMs Analyzer. It's a bit pricey, but not as pricey as AtlasTI (PC). And you can try it out for free with a limited number of cases and codes. I'm also working a bit with Discovertext. It's cool because it can ingest RSS feeds from blog posts and forums, text-based documents, Twitter feeds and even YouTube comments. resources Hilda Anggraeni
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