Showing 16 of 16 annotations by anyone with notes matchingtext containing "questions" in forum "Designing OERu Credentials: Aug 29-Sept 13, 2011"Scheduled Seminar Discussions:


: Live Webcast Sept 7, 2011
Re: Live Webcast Sept 7, 2011
by David Porter
What will be the process for selecting an initial program or credential at which a strategy that includes content, learner support processes and assessment options can be aimed? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Can we describe an affordable business model that will attract actual students? There is a movement in the US to build a $10K baccalaureate. What is the cost threshold that OERu seeks to achieve? questions Hilda Anggraeni


: Non-traditional OERu Models
Non-traditional OERu Models
by Paul Stacey
Use this thread to share your more radical ideas and aspirations for the OERu. How would it work? What are OER making possible that wasn't possible before and how would an OERu help make that happen? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Re: Non-traditional OERu Models
by Asif Devji
Question: Would an independent learner not associated with a university be able to become part of the networks? questions Hilda Anggraeni


: OER innovation threshold - What is the number of OERu innovations
OER innovation threshold - What is the number of OERu innovations
by Wayne Mackintosh
What do you consider to be the major innovations of the OERu? What are the possible innovations the OERu should consider for the future? Which of the innovations in 1 and 2 above will be "acceptable" to society and the economy? questions Hilda Anggraeni


: Organisational models for free (no-fee) learning and low cost OER credentials
Organisational models for free (no-fee) learning and low cost OER credentials
by Wayne Mackintosh
Are there other models emerging which should be listed? Does the organisational approach make a difference regarding cost, scalability and sustainability of the model? What are the most important advantages / disadvantages of each of these models? How might these models interact and collaborate within an evolving OER ecosystem? Which model would you recommend for your institution? Which model will you be able to sell to your Vice Chancellor or President? questions Hilda Anggraeni


: Pedagogical models -- What does open pedagogy for OERu look like
Pedagogical models -- What does open pedagogy for OERu look like
by Wayne Mackintosh
What pedagogical approaches do you envisage for OERu? What are the digital literacies and enablers? What might these "new digital" pedagogies look like? How do they scale for large numbers of learners? How do the prospective costs of these pedagogies compare to traditional models? What aspects of the traditional teaching approaches are appropriate for the OERu model? questions Hilda Anggraeni


: Thoughts on governance, leadership and organisational structure for OERu
Thoughts on governance, leadership and organisational structure for OERu
by Wayne Mackintosh
Any advice or suggestions for governance model for the OERTen / OERu? What organisational model would be best for the OERu? questions Hilda Anggraeni


: What inaugural credential would you recommend for OERu?
What inaugural credential would you recommend for OERu?
by Wayne Mackintosh
What credential would you recommend as the starting point for the OERu anchor partners to consider? What factors should the OERu take into account when choosing the inaugural credential? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Re: What inaugural credential would you recommend for OERu?
by Christine Horgan
one of the most flexible credentials is a general studies degree...many institutions offer something of this sort, very flexible, lends itself well to prior learning.... but not everyone wants a degree...what about options around a general studies certificate, diploma (associate degree), undergrad degree? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Re: What inaugural credential would you recommend for OERu?
by Dr. Nellie Deutsch
The workshops I provide are not accredited by a university. How will the accreditation work for workshops provided by educators such as myself? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Re: What inaugural credential would you recommend for OERu?
by Wayne Mackintosh
Do you have any thoughts and ideas on how we might be able to reduce costs while improving scalability of the assessment model within the context of the OERu collaboration. Looking forward to working with TRU on this one. questions Hilda Anggraeni
Re: What inaugural credential would you recommend for OERu?
by Paul Stacey
What academic fields of study have a lot of OER already been developed for? questions Hilda Anggraeni
What academic level have those OER been developed for? questions Hilda Anggraeni
Re: What inaugural credential would you recommend for OERu?
by Paul West
Are there any global QA agencies that could be approached in addition to the national QA agencies? Accreditation from both national bodies and international ones may be a good path to take. questions Hilda Anggraeni
Re: What inaugural credential would you recommend for OERu?
by Joyce McKnight
I am curious about Thompson Rivers University...if you give complete degrees with you have any fees? If so how does that work? Right now our PLA is very reasonable at least by western standards, but I can't imagine anyone here giving degrees free...especially since we are under a seemingly constant budget pinch from the state government... questions Hilda Anggraeni
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