
SOTL Annotated Bibliography

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Modified: 8 March 2006, 9:15 AM   User: Sylvia Currie  → photo of me taken by a short person :-)

From Boyer (1990) Scholarship Reconsidered by ewallace on Sun Feb 19 09:27:00 2006:
Boyer, Ernest L. (1990). Scholarship reconsidered: Priorities of the professoriate. Princeton, NJ: Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching

Many would agree that this text inspired the SoTL movement in the US, and beyond. Boyer?s central argument is that research should not be the only faculty activity to be valued as scholarly within universities. Based on the results of the 1989 National Survey of Faculty, the results of which are provided in the book, Boyer concludes that we need to broaden the definition of scholarship. He suggests that faculty should engage in, and be recognized for four forms of intellectual activity: the scholarship of integration, the scholarship of discovery, the scholarship of application and the scholarship of teaching.

From Shulman, Lee (2000) From Minsk to Pinsk by ewallace on Wed Mar 1 23:21:00 2006:
Shulman, Lee.(2000). From Minsk to Pinsk: Why a scholarship of teaching and learning? Journal of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning(Jo SoTL). Volume I, Number 1, pp. 48-53. Indiana University.

...I don't want to miss the opportunity to provide a link to another of the writings that is considered to be foundation in the SoTL movement. This short, online journal article addresses the question of "why" and it's very well worth reading. However, I hope you'll also check out the JoSoTL site for other illuminating articles.[[Vol1No1]]/shulman.pdf

From Re: Scholarship revisited: Perspectives on the Scholarship of Teaching by camundsa on Tue Feb 21 13:50:00 2006:
Kreber, C. (Ed.) (2001, Summer). Scholarship revisited: Perspectives on the Scholarship of Teaching. New Directions Teaching and Learning Series, No. 86, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. (

From Re: Scholarship revisited: Perspectives on the Scholarship of Teaching by paulb on Tue Feb 21 17:55:00 2006: class="wiki_newentry" href="">WileyTitle/productCd-0787954470.html]

This is an edited book, the purpose of which was to come to consensus about the meaning of the term "Scholarship of Teaching and Learning" - so an especially relevant publication for this forum. In the first chapter of this book Caroline Kreber, the editor, presents the findings from a international Delphi study she conducted that sought to refine understanding about SoTL. Two chapters, I found particularly interesting were: Chapter 2: The Relation between Research and the Scholarship of Teaching and Chapter 8: Making Explicit the Development Toward the Scholarshp of Teaching.

From Clarke (2005) The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning - A Community of Practice Perspective by scurrie on Fri Feb 24 06:58:00 2006:

Clarke (2005) The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning - A Community of Practice Perspective

This article by Michael Clarke published in the February, 2005 issue of Teaching Options at Univeristy of Ottawa helped me to understand the history, as well as the reasons we have struggled with the ideas around the scholarship of teaching and learning and what it means in action.