
Active Learning Strategies

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Modified: 11 September 2007, 3:18 AM   User: bronwyn hegarty  → bronwyn hegarty

Memorization Strategies

  • Crossword Compiler has everything you need to create great educational, professional, and fun crossword puzzles. The program can make a vocabulary puzzle from your own words in seconds, or fill in one of the many supplied grid patterns from a word list.

Meaning Making Strategies 

 Constructing Meaningful Artifacts Strategies

Three-step reflective framework for electronic portfolios - this is part of my Doctorate in Education thesis research.

Hegarty three-step reflective framework 2005 - some rights reserved

The idea is to encourage reflective writing using a template so that users step through three steps of reflection - 1. Take notice and describe the experience - what you know, think feel, need, decisions; 2. analyse the experience - why the actions and decisions, reactions, 3. Take action - what learned and how will you use it - goals.

This framework is used with a template with prompts to create evidence for electronic portfolios.