Revisiting the Community of Inquiry Framework Wiki: Summary
Revisiting the Community of Inquiry Framework Wiki
Revisiting the Community of Inquiry Framework Summary
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Modified: 2 January 2013, 4:56 PM User: Hilda Anggraeni →
Revisiting the Community of Inquiry Framework
July 9-22, 2012 | SCoPE discussion
Since its original publication, Garrison, Anderson and Archer’s (2000) “Critical Inquiry in A Text-based Environment: Computer Conferencing in Higher Education” has inspired a great many researchers and advanced our understanding of online learning and online education. In recent years, a number of reviews of the Community of Inquiry framework (CoI) have been published, including, Garrison and Arbaugh’s (2007), Swan and Ice (2010). Cindy Xin, author of a recently-published critique (Xin, 2012) will be with us to explain her argument and, together with Sarah Haavind, facilitate a discussion reconsidering the CoI and its recent reviews and critiques. By provoking new thoughts and possibly constructing new theories and methods, we hope to further our understanding of online discussion in particular, and online education in general.
Facilitators: Cindy Xin & Sarah Haavind
Moderator: Sylvia Currie