
Digital Badges Summary

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Modified: 14 December 2012, 6:57 AM   User: Sylvia Currie  → photo of me taken by a short person :-)

Digital Badges

December 1-15, 2013


During this two-week seminar we will explore digital badges from concept through to implementation. The seminar will focus on the possible pedagogies and technology required for implementing digital badges. We will also take a critical look at the current state of digital badges with discussion of the required and possible futures. If you have a few hours to read and discuss focused topics and participate in two mid-day (PST) webinars then please join is this lively learning experience focused on digital badges.


  1. Introduction to Digital Badges 
    December 4 | recording | on | slides | chat transcript

  2. Implementation Has Two Sides
    December 11 | recording | on | slides | chat transcript


Facilitators : Peter Rawsthorne

Moderator: Leva Lee


  1. B Ferrell
  2. Barbie Bruce
  3. bronwyn hegarty
  4. Bronwyn Stuckey
  5. carla arena
  6. Carlos Ortiz
  7. carol yeager
  8. Christine Horgan
  9. Colin Madland
  10. David Porter
  11. Don Presant
  12. Gina Bennett
  13. Iain Robertson
  14. Janet Salmons
  15. Jeffrey Keefer
  16. Jenny Mackness
  17. Jo Freitag
  18. John Dumbrille
  19. Joyce McKnight
  20. Juanita Foster-Jones
  21. Julia Hengstler
  22. Judy Southwell
  23. Kathleen Zarubin
  24. Ken Udas
  25. Leah Marie
  26. Dr. Nellie Deutsch
  27. Mary Burgess
  28. Mary Pringle
  29. Margot Croft
  30. Nancy White
  31. Norah Andrew
  32. Paddy Fahrni
  33. Pat Tymchatyn
  34. Patric Lougheed
  35. Richard Jones
  36. Richard Schwier
  37. Robin Yap
  38. Rory McGreal
  39. Scott Perian
  40. Sheryl Grant
  41. Stephen Downes
  42. Sylvia Riessner
  43. Vance Stevens
  44. Verena Roberts
  45. Wally Alvaranza
  46. Wayne Mackintosh
  47. Zack Lee


Question Summary