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1. Use Case Scenarios [edit]

Use Case Scenarios [edit]

Title of case: Following people's post
User: member
Description: member 1 is interested in member 2 research and posts. he/ she would like to follow member 2 recent post and would love to get notification when member 2 publish a post. member one can click on 'follow' to do this.

Title of case: Looking for collaborators, advice, and comment from other people
User: Member
Description: Member 1 is currently working on High Level Design project. He is in the middle of his project and need advice from other people. He also would like to ask other people to join / collaborate into his project. He decides to post his project public in SoTL portal and tag specific interest group of people into his post. He can also choose to post his question and invitation into his post or send a message to these people with his question and invitation to join.

Title of case: looking for opportunities to collaborate with other member
User: member
Description: member 1 is interested and would like to expand her knowledge on Rapid course design topic. She would like to contribute on current related project created by other member. she goes to SoTL portal and browse current ongoing project. She types in the keyword Rapid Course Design (or browse through tag cloud) and get a list of current ongoing related project. She then sends the creators a message to ask for collaborators. Member 1 waits for notification from her email for the approval.

Title of case: Browse finished project and look for collaborators
User: Member
Description: Member 1 is looking for inspiration and collaborators for his current project. His current project is related to technology for teaching and learning. He goes to SoTL portal and browse related finished project by typing the keyword or browsing from tag cloud. He then also browse on people's profile based on their interest toward technology and teaching and learning. From the profile, he can send message to other member to ask for collaborators. Or he can choose to create a post and tag people to this post.

Title of case: Testing out idea
User: Member
Description: Member 1 has an idea for a research project. She is curious to know what research has been done that is related to her idea. She is also wondering what others will think of her idea. She goes to the SoTL portal to search for research projects on keywords related to her idea. After browsing the search results she decides to initiate a project. She prepares a summary to post to the portal. At this point she has conducted some research and has some references to share that support her research idea. Member 1 waits to receive notification in her email inbox that someone has liked or responded to her post.

Title of Case: Reporting a problem
User: Member
Description: Member 1 has entered an idea to post but does not see it on the website and needs to know who to contact.


Title of Case:Discipline specific searches
User: Member
Description: Member 1 wants to know what research is being done on teaching and learning in their discipline and wishes to search the database by entering her subject area of specialization.

Title of Case: Creating a Profile
User: member
Description: Member one wishes to enter his information on his profile page in the sotl portal. He accesses a template where he enters his name, email address, institutional context, discipline, main interests.