OCE2011 Planning Wiki
OCE2011 Planning Wiki
TAG: OCE2011
What: [edit]
A one-day gathering of individuals who are involved in online community work.
- Planning Excellent Community Events
When: [edit]
May 12, 2011, 9:00 - 4:00ish (then we'll probably head out for eats and drinks)
Where: [edit]
- Vancouver - location Creekside Community Centre, multipurpose room 4
- Online - various locations so check the launch pad
Why: [edit]
- become acquainted
- share information/challenges/questions/solutions related to our community events
- experience various event formats, facilitation strategies, and technologies throughout the day
- learn together
- continue to explore ways that we can form some sort of support network, pool resources, and advance our work together
Who: [edit]
People living in British Columbia or near by and interested in online communities. Here's the up-to-date list of RSVPsFacilitators and Organizers:
Jonny Morris
Paul Stacey
John Smith
Alice MacGillivray
Sylvia Currie
Michelle Laurie
Diana Chan
Online facilitators (afternoon):
Susan Stewart
LaDonna Coy
How to Prepare [edit]
- Invite your friends
- Talk about the event #oce2011
- There will be more in this section soon!
What to Bring [edit]
- Open mind
- Sense of adventure
- Devices (cameras, phones, ipads...whatever you have)
- Headset, if you have one
Outline of the Day [edit]
9:00 coffee, muffins, networking
9:15 Welcome and overview for the day - Paul, Sylvia
9:30 Layered Conversation (fish bowl/intro type activity) - Alice
10:15 Reflections
10:30 Set up open space - Jonny
11:00 - 11:45 Dialogue 1
- Room / time-slot Etherpad Grid for reporting or linking meeting notes
- a pre-announced, online, session: #KMers chat on "Effective online events from a KMers perspective." (Archive will be here.)
11:45 - 12:00 lunch arrives (eat and roam)
12:00 - 12:45 Dialogue 2
12:45 - 1:00 Gallery Set Up
1:00 - 3:00 Share Fair (includes gallery, bridging f2f and online). Participate in the event through this launch pad - John
3:00 Commitment wall/time capsule debrief - Paul
3:30 Wrap
Post-event activity! Walk down the False Creek boardwalk to Monk McQueens
- Pre-May 12 gather feedback
- Video responses to questions. e.g. http://intervue.me/i/269
- #OCE2011 twitter
- email (via Alice)
- becomes part of Gallery & Share Fair
- Layered conversation:
- Outer circle (listeners) and inner circle (interviewees)
- Inner circle is a facilitated interview
- Individuals in outer circle may at any time request to change places with someone in inner circle
- Outer circle (listeners) and inner circle (interviewees)
- Open Space
- Zones
- Streams
- recruit a recorder to represent meeting in a graphical way
- Scheduled Tweetchat: #KMers chat on "Effective online events from a KMers perspective." (Archive will be here.)
- Graphic recording / other visuals
- Graphic Agenda (done ahead of meeting - example)
- Reminders about open space rules (e.g. 2 feet...take responsibility to contribute and learn)
- Sandbox format - Sylvia will bring supplies and people can try it out throughout the day
- Report out from open space, i.e. mindmap
- Visual Gauge: How do I feel about? (list type of event activities, place sticky star)
- Gallery
- walkabout at end of day to see what we accomplished
- part of share fair
- Commitment wall / time capsule
- what will I do and how will I make it happen?
- Connection wall
- add name to wall (draw outline of hand, tape on name tag...), and draw lines to people you connect with
- dotted line =
- solid line =
- thick solid line =
- Pull out some factors that contributed to success (through social media w people who won't be attending) beforehand and facilitate some sort of process where people tell stories in small groups and others pull out factors and we cluster resulting stickies?
- "How do I feel about?" cluster gauge
- Quick report out on virtual field trips, an idea that came about during OCE2009. See the pages that we've generated so far on the CPsquare wiki
Follow on: OCE2011 Before and After forum
Logistics [edit]
- Room configuration: large enough to have breakout groups in the same room
- Big white wall or overhead for online share fair
- Wireless internet - must be reliable!
- Lunch close by or catered
- Participants should bring (all optional!)
- laptops
- phones
- cameras
- video cameras
- headsets
- ipad or other tablets
- Equipment + Supplies:
- LCD projectors (1 available at Creekside, Paul can bring one, Jonny will bring one, Alice will bring one)
- wireless microphones for online share fair?
- speakers (Diana will bring)
- extension cords
- 6 flip charts + markers (available at Creekside)
- big post-it notes (Sylvia bringing lots)
- fine sharpie pens (Sylvia has supply of red, black, green, blue for 5x8 cards)
- pastels/chalk (Sylvia brining)
- 5x8 cards (Sylvia)
- BIG PAPER (Sylvia ordering)
- tape for wall (Sylvia bringing painter's tape and masking tape)
- name tags (Sylvia bringing supplies for folks to customize)
Venue: Creekside Community Centre, Multi-purpose Room 4. Parking is under the centre - $10 for the day.
Catering: The Butler Did It