Collaborate Online Wiki: Extended Summary
Collaborate Online
Table of contents
2. Tools for Online Collaboration [edit]
2.1. Mindmapping Tools
5.1. Janet's Publications (still need to format)
Tag: scope750 bookmarks
Live Sessions [edit]
- Free webinar
May 21 at 1 pm EST/ 17:00 (-5 hours GMT, see for your time zone)
Janet Salmons, PhD and Lynn Wilson, PhD
FREE but registration is required at
Join Janet Salmons and Lynn Wilson, editors of the forthcoming Handbook of Research on Electronic Collaboration and Organizational Synergy, for a
lively conversation!
Janet and Lynn will present their Collaborative Integration Paradigm and
discuss examples of online collaboration in educational or workplace
contexts. The Collaborative Integration Paradigm offers a conceptual
framework for exploring fundamental questions about the collaborative
. Why do people collaborate online?
. Who are the collaborative partners (individuals or organizations)?
. How do they communicate and organize collaborative work processes?
. To what degree does their individual work mesh to create collective
When we understand the nature of the project, the players and the goals, we can be more successful in planning complex collaborative work that bridges geographic, cultural and disciplinary boundaries. Bring your ideas,
questions and dilemmas and participate in this interactive webinar.
See you online!
Tools for Online Collaboration [edit]
- Technology Tools - Deirdre's collection of mostly-free tools
Mindmapping Tools
Tools - How To
- Wikis in Plain English
- Other "Plain English" movies from Lee and Sachi LeFever, Common Craft
Recommended Reading [edit]
Duarte, D., & Snyder, N. (2006). Mastering virtual teams (Third ed.). San Francisco: Jossey BassGalford, R., & Drapeau, A. S. (2003). The enemies of trust. Harvard Business Review, Reprint #3035(February).
Huxham, C., & Hibbert, P. (2005). More or less than give and take: Manifested attitudes to inter-partner learning in collaboration: Advanced Institute of Management Research.
Janet's Publications (still need to format)
- A chapter titled “Taxonomy of Collaborative E-Learning” is included in the forthcoming Encyclopedia of Information Technology Curriculum Integration , edited by: Lawrence Tomei. This chapter discusses the research findings and the Taxonomy. See http://
- A chapter titled “ Expect Originality! Using Taxonomies to Structure Assignments that Support Original Work” is included in the forthcoming Student Plagiarism in an Online World Problems and Solutions, edited by Tim Roberts. This chapter discusses ways to foster original, creative work through collaborative online assignments. See: http://
- I am editing the Handbook of Research on Electronic Collaboration and Organizational Synergy with Lynn Wilson. It will be published in 2008. This reference book will include sections on inter- and intraorganizational collaboration involving Education, Business and Government and Social Sector. We are in the final review stage but it appears that will include around 50 chapters, representing around 20 countries. Forthcoming in November, 2008 from IGI Global--see:
Janet's writing-in-progress
- Online Interviews in Real Time. This research methods book will explore the use of synchronous communication technologies for scholarly research. Forthcoming from Sage Publications
- A Taxonomy of Online Collaboration: Theory and Practice for
E-Learning. This book will expand on previous work about the Taxonomy, and integrate findings from the study I am conducting now to explore online collaboration from the perspectives of learners. Forthcoming from IGI Global.