OCE2009 Planning Wiki
Planning Wiki for the Vancouver gathering of online community enthusiasts, May 1, 2009
Planning Wiki
What: [edit]
A one-day gathering of individuals who are involved in online community work.
When: [edit]
May 1, 2009, 9:00 - 3:30 (then we'll probably head to a pub for eats and drinks)
Where: [edit]
Vancouver, Segal Building
Why: [edit]
- become acquainted
- share information/challenges/questions/solutions related to our communities and projects
- explore ways that we can form some sort of support network, pool resources, and advance our work together
Who: [edit]
Nancy White and John Smith!
People living in British Columbia or near by and interested in online communities. Here's the up-to-date list of RSVPs
Outline of the Day [edit]
Metaphor: Cocktail party type of practice swapCore question: How do you tell the story of your community?
9:00 coffee, muffins, networking
9:10 Welcome and overview for the day - Sylvia, Paul
9:15 Intro activity: Mad tea party - Nancy
9:30 Phase I
- Groups: YOUR community
- Gallery Walk -- emerging themes
- Graphic Wall -- what would YOU like to follow up on?
12 - 12:30 Lunch - catered
12:30 Phase II
- Four corners
- postcards
3:00ish Next steps - John
3:30 Wrap, thanks - Sylvia
Drinks & appetizers! Possibly at Steamworks?
Follow on: before and after forum
Logistics [edit]
- Room configuration: We're in room 1200.
- ordered 25 chairs to be pushed to outside of room. That will give us standing space for networking, then we can grab chairs for circle configuration.
- 4 tables, also pushed to outside of room
- Wireless internet available for us.
- Participants may want to bring laptops. Not essential.
- Equipment + Supplies (ordered/purchased):
- LCD projector (Paul)
- 6 flip charts + markers (supplied by Segal event planners)
- post-it notes (Sylvia bringing lots)
- fine sharpie pens (Sylvia has supply of red, black, green, blue for 5x8 cards)
- pastels/chalk (Nancy)
- water based pens (Nancy?)
- 5x8 cards (Sylvia)
- BIG PAPER (Sylvia, with Leva's help)
- tape for wall (Sylvia has painter's tape and masking tape)
- name tags (Sylvia making + supplies for folks to customize)
Bag of Topics: [edit]
(Not necessarily for Friday's gathering -- just things that would be interesting to talk about at some point. Add to the list!)- Show & Tell - quick view of communities we steward
- Our roles as Community Stewards, support structures and needs
- Technology stewardship
- Community stewardship
- Management
- Social Design, manifesting identity in a community context, enabling communication and interpersonal exchange, our success stories, challenges
- Technical Design, our success stories, challenges
- Activity Design, how to bring a community to life, activities that engage, challenges
- Networks of Communities - strategies for managing networks of communities
- Is facilitating networks different from communities and if so, how?
- Is facilitating networks different from communities and if so, how?
- Helping others start their own community - a guide
- Evaluating online communities - spidergram?
- what do we need to evaluate? Why?
- who evaluates