Pan Canadian Research Agenda

Table of Contents

Description of the conference and associated events
Definitions of e-learning
Vision for a Learning Centric Canada
This section provides a compelling case for the development of much expanded e-learning research activity
The Canadian E-Learning Landscape
A "map" of the current landscape
Change Pressures
This section addresses the pressures of change influencing the formation of a national agenda.
Research Problems we should be addressing
This section overviews some of the major issues that the research agenda should focus on.
E-learning Methodologies that work
In this section we overview the discussion on appropriate methodologies for e-learning research.
Funding and Support of pan-Canadian e-learning Research
This section details recommendations for a funding strategy to support a rigorous e-learning research agenda.
Organization and Coordination Models and Recommendations
In this section we outline the need for both a large pan Canadian strategy that allows for both small and large research projects and networks to emerge and thrive.
From Theory to Policy and Practice
This section maps out potential scenarios for moving from theoretical discussion to something that makes an impact.
List of delegates and contributers to this document (update your info!)