Personal Learning Environments Wiki

Not sure if we will use the wiki.

Just in case you are here, and wondering about something to ponder over . . .
-Derek (C)

Four articles with a range of views on PLE's:

This is a link Nancy White shared last year . . .  A wiki on PLE's


A typical terse, clear and blunt post from James Farmer . . .

From a blog with this byline:
"Tony Karrer's blog on Blog on eLearning, Personal Learning Environments and personal learning environments, courseware, custom content, learning management, authoring, e-learning, blended learning and other aspects of eLearning Technologies"

From the Wales Wide Web, a paper from Graham Atwell:

There is a buzz at events bringing together educational technologists. That buzz is called Personal Learning Environments. Yet, a year and a half after serious discussion broke out in the edu-blogosphere, there is little agreement on what a Personal Learning Environment is, still less on what it might mean if translated to a learning application. Neither is there agreement on who it is for or who might own or use it. Does it replace VLEs or is it a plug in or additional application? Is it any different to an extended e-Portfolio? There is not even agreement as to whether a PLE should be an application or if it is just a collection of user-configured tools.

This paper will not answer all those questions. Instead it seeks to explain why the idea of the PLE is so appealing and what are the social and educational ideas which underpin the concept of the PLE. Secondly it will look at some of the issues that need to be resolved in a little more detail. Thirdly it will suggest some of the principles which should underpin PLE development and implementation and finally suggest what further developmental activities might be undertaken.

The paper will attempt to blend the educational or learning issues and the more technical issues. Educational technology should be shaped by the users, rather than shape or inhibit learning. Yet even this raises issues. Is the PLE just what it says? A personal learning environment belonging solely to the learner, or should the education system and educational institutions also have a say in the shaping of these tools?"[[Graham_Attwell]]/entries/6521819364

Some what is and how to stuff about PLEs
This page was created by the Learning Technologies Centre at University of Manitoba. George Siemens used it for a PLE workshop at the CADE-AMTEC conference in May, 2007. It's a nice collection of PLE basics along with some examples.

From Michele Martin:

Here's a post with a ton of PLE links that's being added to regularly.

I also wrote about my own PLE here and here and have a post on skills and attitudes for PLEs here. My tags on personal learning are here.