Managing Multimembership in Social Networks: Survey Responses

This list represents responses from 60 people taking the multimembership survey to Question 3


*view the unedited survey result wiki

you participate in at the same time
Lists of the platforms and services used to support participation in
these communities/networks.
ABC Teaching Science email list 
Academic OS lists; email; blogs; wikis; forums; webcasting; Google docs; Squidoo; Flickr; Skype; Caucus; YouTube; assorted proprietary applications
Activeworlds and Quest Atlantis
Apple Distinguished Educators
Apple Learning Interchange
Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development email
BaeL YH Groups, Ning, Twitter, Google Reader, WiZiQ
BC Medical Community Moodle
BCHRP email listservs
BestPractice Models for E-learning Online Community Moodle, Facebook, Ning
blended learning class WebCT, email
CADCA Workstation, Elluminate, GoToWebinar
CCK08 - MOOC Moodle, wiki, email, elluminate, ustream, twitter, facebook, Second Life, Google groups
CCK08 Elluminate, Google Groups, G Reader, Blogs, Moodle, Twitter, Facebook, UStream,
Delicious, Twine, Diigo, flickr, Wiki, YH Groups, Listserv
Classroom 2.0 Ning, wiki, blogs, Twitter
CLIC ProBoards
Collaborative social netwokring in Education and
Commonwealth of Learning-Basecamp shared office
Comprac listserv, YH Groups
Connected Communities  ning
Connecting Online ning WiZiQ, Wikieducator, Youtube
Connectivism Course  Moodle, Elluminate, UStream, Google Reader, Wiki
CPSquare web crossing, wikis, blogs, skype, twitter, Elluminate, phone bridge, RSS, Wordpress, Delicious
Dr-ED listserve
edna groups moodle
EdTechTalk Google:mail and calendar, Drupal, Moodle, Skype, Facebook, Twitter, Technorati, Flickr, Blogs, UStream,, chat
Edublogosfera Google list, blogs
Educational Bloggers Google Reader
Educational Technology Users Group Community Zero, Elluminate, Google Reader, Flickr, Facebook
Elearning Marketplace and Expo Community Zero, Elluminate
ELI Listserv
e-mint YH group, mailing list
Fet maths group yahoo groups
FOC08 Elluminate, Google Groups, Blogs, MediaWiki, FeedDemon, Google Reader, Twitter, MS Outlook, Netvibes, Moodle, very sporadic, wiki, Google List, SL
former professional network email, static websites, e-newsletter
Games in Learning listserv, twitter
Gurteen knowledge community online google group, offline meets, wordpress, mailman, eventwax
HCPME Forum Discussion Board ning
IFCCC proprietary PatchworkPortal of wiki, forum, blog,
idea-mapping; Google docs; email; Facebook; LinkedIn; Skype; Technorati; Squidoo;
Second Life; webcasting; Caucus; YouTube
Informal Twitter, podcasts, MySpace
ITForum listserv
Jokaydia SL virtual world, twitter, blogs
Kansas SPF SIG Project KU Workgroup's workstation
Kehilliyot Google Groups, WikiSpaces, Skype Chat
Kids 2020 Foundation proprietary PatchworkPortal of wiki, forum, blog, idea-mapping; Google docs; email; Facebook; LinkedIn; Skype; Technorati; Squidoo; Flickr;
Second Life; Caucus; YouTube
KMDI/UT ePresence, listserv
Knowplace Moodle
knowschools Moodle
local allotment community offline
local climbing community offline, telephone, boudlr, email
Maths Literacy Teacher's Network Ning, googlegroups, skype, blogs
Media Sandbox wordpress, flickr, vimeo, delicious
Medical Education Evolution ning
MirandaNet listserv, forums, delicious, twitter
multiple client communities drupal, wordpress, flickr, delicious, facebook, beebo, mailman lists
My writing website webserver/Adobe contribute
National Association of Biology Teachers FaceBook, email
OISE/UT First Class, Movable Type
OMET alum Yahoo group
Online facilitation listserv, Yahoo group
Oz-Teachers listserv
parenting-related network email, forum
Parents as Partners Drupal, Facebook, Skype
PEJE Communities of Practice Google Groups, WikiSpaces, email, interactive
Pr√°xis f2f, Moodle
Professional discussion groups proprietary PatchworkPortal of wiki, forum, blog,
idea-mapping; Google docs; email; Flickr; FacebookLinkedIn; Skype; MindMeister; Technorati; Squidoo; Second
Life;  Caucus; YouTube; Yugma
Quest Atlantis virtual world, listserv, Facebook, skype, blogs
Remote teachers ning
River City Racers Speed Skating Blog, Picasso, Google Sites, Ice Rink!
RuralMed listserve
Saschools wiki, blogs twitter
School 2.0 ning
SCoPE Elluminate, Moodle, facebook, twitter, LinkedIn, MindMeister, Technorati, Delicious, Slideshare, myspace
SLED Listserv, Google Calendar, Eventful, GReader
Subjectadvisors wetpaint wiki, blogs, twitter
Sushrutha Family Medicine Google Groups
Sustainable Futures Foundation proprietary PatchworkPortal of wiki, forum, blog,
idea-mapping; Google docs; email; Facebook; LinkedIn, MindMeister; Technorati; Squidoo; Second Life
T.A.L.O. Google List, SL, wikis, blogs
of Calgary Desire2Learn; Elluminate
of Saskatchewan Blackboard, Elluminate, Wikispaces
UBC WebCT/email listservs/TAG-listservs
Underscore mailman list, aggregator agregating blogs
Delicious, MSN, Skype, Facebook, iChat, Twitter, blogs
Virtual Congress Advisory Group Google Groups
Viv√™ncia Pedag√≥gica own list, blogs
Webheads YH Group, SL, Wiki, Twitter, Ning, WiZiQ
WiA Yahoo Groups, Tappedin, Elluminate, blogs, SL, Twitter, social networking sites
Wikieducator Google list, wiki