Booking Calendar for Class Collaborate Rooms
Completion requirements
Practicing Facilitators
Edit this wiki to:
- book one of the class Collaborate rooms for session practice as you get ready for your facilitated session, and then
- book one of the rooms for the time of your real synchronous online session, so that course facilitators and participants know when your session is. If you are not using one of our course's Collaborate rooms for your session please include the participant link here to the platform you are using. Please indicate whether you would allow any of us to invite course "outsiders" (people not in this course) to attend your session.
Practicing Facilitators, please sign up to attend at least one session other than the one you will be facilitating. If you're able to attend more, great!
To add a new row to the wiki in date order, right click on the table and options will appear.
Reviewing Participants
Once Practicing Facilitators start booking the times in for their real facilitated sessions (not their practices), edit this wiki to sign up to attend at least two synchronous sessions, to participate in them and then provide feedback in that session. If you're able to attend more, great!
Note: The course facilitator(s) will also be signing up to attend as many sessions as they can.
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