• Below, you will find ISWO Facilitator Checklists for weeks 2 - 5 (complete checklist  here)
  • Choose at least 5 items (in total) from all 4 checklists, and do them. 
  • There are tips for how to proceed in the right column, with resources to help. You will notice there are several "repeats" (i.e., each week has a starter, mid-week, and end-of-week post, with similar content), so try to choose a variety of tasks for yourself
  • Let us know how it went! Post your results to the forum

Facilitator Tasks for ISWO, Week 2

How you could try this in FDWO
Note: There is an ISWO Sandbox site for you to play in

General Week 2 start post in news forum

  • introduce 1) wiki activity, 2) case course review activity (timing? Instructions?)
  • tell them where they can find the Online Community video put together from their contributions
Draft this "intro post" (and/or create some kind of media piece?) with the key points you would make to set up Week 2. Save it in your journal for later reference!

Facilitators check in individually by email or in team forums to see how teams are progressing facilitating their activities


Facilitator emails the Dueling Tools team to introduce their activities to them and help get them started for Week 3 facilitation

Review the Backpocket Strategy for Duelling Tools, draft an email to the mini-session facilitators for this activity, and save it in your journal for later

Mid-week check in post in news forum: remind participants to give feedback to facilitating teams by the end of the week in feedback forum

Draft this mid-week check-in post (and/or create some kind of media piece? How about a humorous approach?) with the key points you would make. Save it in your journal for later reference!

Start separate feedback threads for wiki activity team and case course review team in feedback forum so that participants can give feedback to those two teams facilitating this week; encourage teams to post in that thread if they are looking for specific feedback or just want general feedback

You could go to the ISWO Sandbox and set up the threads in the appropriate spot

End of week wrap up post in news forum: Remind them to give mini-session facilitators feedback.

Draft this post (and/or create some kind of media piece?) with the key points and specific reminders they need at the end of Week 2. Save it in your journal for later reference!

Remind mini session facilitators to compose their FLIFs at the end of the week, after they have received some feedback in feedback forum. Don’t forget to thank each team for facilitating and reminding them that they can back to ‘normal’ in the course

Draft this "reminder post" (and/or create some kind of media piece?). Can you add a bit of humour here? Save it in your journal for later reference!

For the facilitation team they were supporting that ended their activity (Wiki Activity, Case Course Review) in Week 2, facilitator responds to individual FLIFs from within the Quiz tool (comment function) and sends participant an email when done with screenshot in it about how to find the comments. Respond to each respondent individually about their feedback. Do for each team.

Go to the ISWO Sandbox and play with the Quiz Tool - try using the comment function (the method for giving FLIF feedback) on the "fake"submissions there.

Facilitator Tasks for ISWO, Week 3

How you could try this in FDWO

Beginning of week announcement

  • Read the Unit notes and Week 3 readings
  • Remind them that the mini-session, this week, will be facilitated by _____ and instructions can be found _____
Draft this post (and/or create some kind of media piece?) with the key points you would make to set up Week 3. Save it in your journal for later reference!

Check in with Dueling Tools facilitators to see if they need anything

 Draft this message and save it in your journal - should point them to Backpocket strategies and perhaps any additional guidance you might offer on this difficult assignment.

Facilitator emails the Facilitating Teamwork team to introduce their activities to them and help get them started for Week 4 facilitation

Review the Backpocket Strategy for Facilitating Teamwork and draft an email to the mini-session facilitators for this activity, and save it in your journal for later

Check in with Week 5 facilitators to see if they have started planning


Do you need/want to do a mid-course Collaborate session?

You could create a set of PowerPoint slides for a mid-week check in. Think about what you'd like to share, and ask, participants at this point in the course.

Need a mid-week announcement?

Draft this mid-week announcement. What key points would you make? Can you find an image to add?  Save it in your journal for later reference!

Start the feedback thread for this week

You could go to the ISWO Sandbox and post a sample starter thread in the appropriate place.

End of week wrap up post in news forum: Remind them to give mini-session facilitators feedback.

Draft this post (and/or create some kind of media piece?) with the key points and specific reminders they need at the end of Week 3. Save it in your journal for later reference!

Remind mini session facilitators to compose their FLIFs at the end of the week, after they have received some feedback in feedback forum. Don’t forget to thank each team for facilitating and reminding them that they can back to ‘normal’ in the course

Go to the ISWO Sandbox and play with the Quiz Tool - try using the comment function (the method for giving FLIF feedback) on the "fake"submissions there.

ISWO facilitator read Dueling Tools facilitators’ FLIFs and give feedback


Facilitator Tasks for ISWO, Week 4

How you could try this in FDWO

General week 4 start post in news forum:

  • introduce facilitating teamwork activity
Draft this post (and/or create some kind of media piece?) with the key points you would make to set up Week 4. Save it in your journal for later reference!

Facilitator supporting Facilitating Teamwork team checks in individually by email or in team forum to see how team is progressing facilitating their activities


Make sure end of course survey is updated.

Go to the ISWO Sandbox and play around with the survey tool.

Ensure that the ‘Assessing Participation’ mini-session facilitators are on track


Mid-week check in post in news forum: remind participants to give feedback to facilitating teams by the end of the week in feedback forum. Mention that we usually have a wrap up party in Collaborate the last week (if you want to do this)

Draft this mid-week announcement. What key points would you make? Can you find an inspiring resource (e.g., video? TED talk?) to add?  Save it in your journal for later reference!

Start feedback thread for Facilitating Teamwork team in feedback forum so that participants can give feedback to that team facilitating this week; encourage team in trouble team to post in that thread if they are looking for specific feedback or just want general feedback

Go to the ISWO Sandbox and start threads in the appropriate place.

End of week wrap up post in news forum

Draft this post (and/or create some kind of media piece?) with the key points and specific reminders they need at the end of Week 4. Save it in your journal for later reference!

Remind mini session facilitators to compose their FLIFs at the end of the week, after they have received some feedback in feedback forum


For the facilitation team they were supporting that just ended their activity (Facilitating Teamwork team), facilitator responds to individual FLIFs from within the Quiz tool (comment function) and sends participant and email when done with screenshot in it about how to find the comments.

Go to the ISWO Sandbox and play with the Quiz Tool - try using the comment function (the method for giving FLIF feedback) on the "fake"submissions there.

Facilitator Tasks for ISWO, Week 5

How you could try this in FDWO

General Week 5 start post in news forum:

  • introduce team on Assessing Participation activity
  • confirm date of ISWO Wrap up Party in Collaborate and add date to course schedule - if having
Draft this post (and/or create some kind of media piece?) with the key points you would make to set up Week 5. Save it in your journal for later reference!

Support Week 5 facilitators


Introduce “Looking Back, Looking Forward’ activity


Mid-week check in post in news forum: remind participants to give feedback to facilitating teams by Friday (end of course) in feedback forum

Draft this mid-week announcement. What key points would you make? Can you find an inspiring resource (e.g., video? TED talk?) to add?  Save it in your journal for later reference!

Start feedback thread for Assessing Participation team in feedback forum so that participants can give feedback; encourage team to post in that thread if they are looking for specific feedback or just want general feedback

You could go to the ISWO Sandbox and post a starter thread in the appropriate place

Hold ending ISWO Wrap up Party in Collaborate sometime mid to later in the week. Create 'Celebrate' side - discuss key points to raise with attendees.

You could create a set of PowerPoint slides for an end of course wrap up party.  Think about what you'd like to share, and ask, participants at this point in the course. How could you really make it a bit like a "party"?

End of week wrap up post in news forum: highlight that the survey should be filled out and where it is in the course

Draft this post (and/or create some kind of media piece?) with the key points and specific reminders they need at the end of Week 5. Save it in your journal for later reference!

Remind mini session facilitators to compose their FLIFs by Friday night, after they have received some feedback in feedback forum if possible

Draft this message, and save it in your journal for future use

Facilitator responds to individual FLIFs from within the Quiz tool (comment function) and sends participant and email when done with screenshot in it about how to find the comments.

Go to the ISWO Sandbox and play with the Quiz Tool - try using the comment function (the method for giving FLIF feedback)

Open up the final course evaluation and ask participants to complete

Go to the ISWO Sandbox and practice hiding and un-hiding the course evaluation (survey)
Last modified: Sunday, 16 March 2014, 9:15 PM