So you've landed on this page and you're not sure what to do first?  Try this:

  1. Understand the course layout.
    Welcome + Ongoing Activities page (where you are now)
    - contains essential introductory information (Course Outline, Course Schedule, etc.)
    - provides access to activities that continue throughout the five weeks
    tabbed pages
    Week 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 tabbed pages
    - contain all the resources you need to complete each week's activities

  2. Look at the General Schedule to see how the course will flow over the next five weeks. Notice the topics for each week and the activities. You'll see that some activities recur each week.ISWO General schedule

  3. Open the Course Outline and read it carefully.
    Course Outline

  4. Open the Course Schedule. Make a note of the important dates for each week. Pay particular attention to Week 1 activities. Check to see what mini-session you have been assigned to facilitate.
    Note:  We would like to encourage you to experiment with different media and tools as you create your Introductions in Week 1. Contact us (the two Sylvias) if you want help.
    ISWO Schedule

  5. Select the Week 1 tab to begin planning your activities for the first week. All the resources/information you need can be accessed there.

Last modified: Monday, 10 February 2014, 6:29 AM