In this task you will clean up the imported content and take a look at your book.

Click on Text. You'll be in the Organize area of Pressbooks where you can rearrange, delete or edit the content of your book.


You'll notice that each of these pieces of content has a status of Draft. This means it will not be visible on your book website. When PressBooks imports content, it imports content in draft status. We'll have to go into each piece of content and publish the content to make it live.


You can prevent certain pieces of content from being exported in the PDF or ePub documents by toggling the checkbox in Export.

Edit the content

You can access this content in 2 ways; click on the content title, or click on the Edit link on the right. Either of these links will take you into the actual content screen. Click on the first Cover link to be taken to the Cover content, which should look like this:

This is the main content editng page. If you have worked with WordPress before, this area should look familiar. From here you can edit the content, or publish the content using the Publish button on the right.

To streamline things a bit for this workshop, we're going tog et rid of the cover pages, so click on the Move to Trash link.

Once you have deleted the first cover, go back to Text > Oragnize and go into the second cover page and also delete that.

Once the covers have been deleted, let's move on to the actual content. Go to Text > Organize. It should now look like this:

Now, let's check out the actual content we have. We have duplicate pieces of content, so we'll need to see what was imported. Go into each piece of content (either by clicking on the Edit link or the title of the chapter) and take a look at the content. For these particular files, you'll see that one of the chapters is really some attribution information while the second chapter with the same name is the actual content. So, delete the chapters that contain the attribution inforamtion (we don't need that content) and keep the content that has the actual content we want to include in our book.

By the time you finish, you should only have 2 chapters in your list. Once called OER Introduction and one called OER Public Domain Textbook Sources. The pages you want to keep will look like this:

OER Textbook page

OER Introduction page

OK, we're ready to publish these pages. Go back to Text > Organize to orient yourself if you feel lost at this point. From there, go into each page and click the Publish button.

Once you are done that, go take a look at your book online. You should have a new book with 2 chapters in it.

At this point, feel free to modify content in your chapters. Experiment and poke around. You've now got a mashed up book using 2 existing OERs. At this point, you could begin finding images and augmenting this content with your own information and adding new content.

Last modified: Sunday, 16 February 2014, 8:46 AM