To start our project, you will download 2 chapters of an existing open textbook on Open Educational Resources.

  1. Download the 2 chapters you will need to complete the activity from the Connexions website. These links will take you to the Connexions repository where the content we want to download is located. They are:
  2. Download these pages in ePub format. To do that, scroll to the bottom of the page, click Download and choose the EPUB link.
  3. Save both the documents in a folder on your computer. You will be uploading these documents to PressBooks in just a moment.

Get Attribution

Before you leave the Connexions site, you will want to grab all the inforamtion you need to attribute these resources correctly. This information is located at the bottom of the page under Attribution.

Be sure to copy this information. I usually open a text document on my computer and copy the information hilighted about and the url I am at and save that information in a text document on my computer.

Note that Connexions does require some additional attribution, specifically that you also include the wording "Download for free at: " so be sure to grab that for your attribution statement as well.

Last modified: Sunday, 16 February 2014, 6:40 AM