Our intention is to create a safe space for exchanging knowledge. We come with an open heart and open mind and hope to be received in the same way.

This course has been developed with an Indigenous lens that is holistic in nature, a way of being and knowing that acknowledges our relationships with all our relations, including plants and animals, other human beings, the water, land, wind, sun, moon, stars, and more—everything seen and unseen.

We have all arrived in this course with our own lived experiences and questions. To create a safe space learning evironment, we ask that everything shared remains within the group. We ask that participants avoid using specific names when giving challenging examples. The idea is to create dialogue in a positive learning environment that promotes respect, trust, and empathy.

All our relations, 

Connie & Robyn 

Last modified: Tuesday, 17 December 2024, 2:08 PM