Experience 2: FLIP - Introduce yourself
Completion requirements
The Task
This task is more open-ended. You will want to introduce yourself to the group in a short (< 2 min) video. You can talk about whatever you want – your background, your hobbies, your family, your pets, where you live, what you teach, who you are – the list is endless. If you are someone who prefers structure, considering the following template:
- Your name,
- Where and what you teach,
- Something you do on the week-ends.
The Post
Once you are ready to make your post, follow these instructions. The instructions are also provided in a short video below.
- SITE. Navigate to the Flip website: https://info.flip.com/en-us.html
- LOGIN. Login in a two-step process.
- At the field Enter a Join Code, enter our group number: INSERT YOUR CODE
- This will open a new page. At the bottom of the page, look for and click on Join with Your Guest Password. Then enter our guest password: INSERT YOUR PASSWORD. Click Go.
- POST. To add your video post, follow the following steps:
- Click Record.
- From your video preview screen, click the bottom circle in the middle of the 3 control buttons (similar to a record button on a smartphone). This will start the video. When you are done, click the same button to stop.
- Click Next.
- There are a few options on
this screen. The two most helpful ones are
Delete – if you do not like your video and wish to restart
Next (top right) – if you are ready to post
- On this last screen,
Your Name and initial for your last name
Email: Enter either your real email if you wish to be able to access and edit this video later, or a dummy email, such as AOD@AOD.com.
Click Post and then Go to Topic to return to the main screen
- To view the videos of colleagues in this group, simply click on their video.
- To leave a comment (also
in video format), click Record a Comment at the left-hand side of
the video. Consider leaving a comment on at least one colleague's video.
Here is a video showing these steps.
Once you have posted, don’t forget to come back the following day to see the posts that took place after yours and that you may have missed.
Last modified: Thursday, 20 June 2024, 12:08 PM