Two online education experts are here to assist you in your journey.

Annie Prud’homme-Généreux was one of five founding faculty of Quest University Canada, where she developed innovative curricula and experimented with diverse pedagogies and assignments, including many digital and online ones. She then worked for several years in leadership roles in and out of academia, eventually becoming the Director of Continuing Studies at Capilano University where she spearheaded the development of over 60 new online asynchronous courses. She has designed online asynchronous coursed for TRU-Online and is currently serving as an educational developer and lecturer at the University of British Columbia, developing online and in person curriculum. She has facilitated many online faculty development opportunities, such as a MOOC for educators around the world on authentic assessments. She is in the final stage of a Master of Open, Digital, and Distance Education at Athabasca University where she is investigating the skills and knowledge required of post-secondary educators, in light of the many changes that have impacted the sector in recent years. She has completed two graduate degrees online, giving her a unique lens on the use of asynchronous online discussions as a learner and educator. She is the author of the Faculty Focus article series 21 Ways to Structure an Online Discussion.

You can contact Annie at:

Helena Prins is an Advisor, Learning + Teaching at BCcampus and coordinates the Facilitating Learning Online (FLO) portfolio. She began her career as a high-school teacher in South Africa. Over the past 20 years, Helena has taught students of all ages and stages on four continents. A golden thread throughout her teaching experiences is breaking down barriers to learning. Prior to joining BCcampus in 2020, Helena worked as a career learning and development advisor at Royal Roads University. As an immigrant she values the opportunity to support all students, especially international students, in finding and building their career path in Canada. She is a certified career strategist with Career Professionals Canada and associate faculty at Royal Roads University.

You can contact Helena at:

Last modified: Thursday, 22 February 2024, 8:17 AM