LEARN: What is Digital Literacy?
Information Literacy |
Media Literacy |
Computer Literacy |
Digital Literacy |
Definition |
the ability to locate, identify, retrieve, process and use digital information optimally (UNESCO, 2011) |
the ability to access the media, to understand and to critically evaluate different aspects of the media and media content, and to create communications in a variety of contexts (European Commission, 2007) |
a set of user skills that enable active participation in a society where services and cultural offerings are computer supported and distributed on the Internet (UNESCO, 2011) |
those capabilities which fit an individual for living, learning and working in a digital society (JISC, 2015) |
Primary Focus |
information retrieval and assessment of quality |
evaluation and production of media texts |
skills in the use of computer-related technology |
innovation, collaboration, lifelong learning |
Table 1.1: Summary of Key Concepts (adapted from Brown et al., 2016, CC-BY-SA)
Brown, C., Czerniewicz., L., Huang, C-W., & Mayisela., T. (2016). Curriculum for digital education leadership: A concept paper. Burnaby, BC: Commonwealth of Learning. Retrieved from http://oasis.col.org/handle/11599/2442
This text
is from the following pressbook: https://pressbooks.library.torontomu.ca/digcit/chapter/chapter-1/
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© by Cheryl Brown is licensed under a Creative Commons
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except where otherwise noted.