DateWorkshop Activities
Pre-Workshop Orientation Nov 6 - 12 (optional)
  • Live synchronous Orientation session (optional)
    in Blackboard Collaborate
     12 noon - 1 pm (PDT) session will be recorded.
  • review A Quick Overview of FLO-Design
  • take a look - Get Ready! Earn an Explorer badge
  • feeling confused? try FAQs - Help Docs
  • feeling ambitious? Read the Workshop Handbook and Schedule (in the Hub)
Week 1: Nov 14 to 19 (Tues-Sun)  Remembrance Day Nov 13
by Tues
  • Read Workshop Handbook and Schedule (located in the Hub)
  • Review Week 1 Checklist
  • Find your Interview Team; contact your partner and try to find a time before the weekend to interview each other re. Mission Statement

12 noon - 1 pm PT

Attend (Optional) synchronous Welcome Session in Blackboard Collaborate
(1 hour; optional but strongly recommended) Recording will be posted in the Open Forum. 

by Wed
  • Post in Introductions Forum
  • Start personal learning journal.
  • Complete your draft Mission Statement.
  • Approve Agreements (discussed in Collaborate session)
  • Review Week 1: Overview
by Sat
  • Post summary of Interview in Studio forum; review other posts
by Sun
  • Respond to question in Weekly Reflections Forum (in the Hub)
  • Post your intention to work alone or join a group.
Week 2: Nov 20 - 26 (Mon-Sun)

Post your Mission Statement indicating your Design Project topic in Studio Forum. If you've joined a team, post a group Mission Statement.


Read Week 2: Overview

Wed 12 noon - 1 pm PT

Attend Live Synchronous Learning Design Options Session in Blackboard Collaborate Room. Share stories of different learning designs
(1 hour; optional but recommended)  Recording will be posted in the Weekly Studio Forum


  • Review instructional design stories
  • Post questions about instructional design approaches in the Week 2: Sparks Forum

by Fri

  • Participate in Studio Forum
    • share your Design Project Plan progress
    • review and comment on the plans shared by other participants
by Sun
  • Respond to question in Weekly Reflections Forum (in the Hub)
  • Share learning journal "nugget" to weekly Reflections forum.
Week 3: Nov 27 - Dec 3 (Mon-Sun)
Mon - Tues
  • Read Week 3: Overview

Wed 12noon - 1 pm PT
Attend Live Synchronous Construction Tips Session in Blackboard Collaborate Room (1 hour; optional but strongly recommended.

by Sun

  • Participate in Studio Forum
    • share your progress, drawing and ideas for prototype learning activity
    • review and comment on the plans shared by other participants

by Sun

  • Respond to question in Weekly Reflections Forum (in the Hub)
  • Share learning journal "nugget" to weekly Reflections forum
Week 4: Dec 4 - 8 (Mon-Fri)


  Read Week 4: Overview

Two sessions - see Week 4: Showcase Scheduling embedded in Week 4 Studio post.

  • 12 noon - 1 pm Blackboard Collaborate session
  • 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm Blackboard Collaborate session

"Showcase" your design during synchronous session - appreciate others!


Respond in Week 4 Studio Forum - Week 4: Showcase Scheduling

Requests for an option for Thurs - waiting to hear proposed times & who?

by Fri
  • Share details of final Design Project Plan and prototype learning activity report in Studio Forum
  • Review at least two other plans and provide structured feedback
  • Share Looking Back/Looking Forward reflective activity in Week 4 Reflections Forum

by Sun
  • complete Workshop Evaluation
Last modified: Monday, 4 December 2017, 1:11 PM