Welcome to Week 1! This week we dive into discussing a number of topics related to preparing for synchronous online sessions.

This week consists of of the following topics:

  • Introducing ourselves to our course community
  • Introduction to synchronous online facilitation and its benefits and limitations
  • Key considerations for designing synchronous online sessions
  • Preparing to facilitate with others
  • Practical considerations leading up to holding synchronous online sessions

You will get a chance to:

  • Introduce yourself to our course community via video (to practice being seen on camera)
  • Participate in our first online synchronous session together as a class (to start getting comfortable with Blackboard Collaborate Ultra, a web conferencing platform)
  • Discuss issues and questions, as a group, related to preparing for synchronous online sessions
  • Choose which "track" you're going to be on for this course - Reviewing Participant or Practicing Facilitator
Last modified: Thursday, 3 August 2017, 7:23 PM