For this introductions activity we ask you to contribute a short introduction to a tool called FlipGrid. FlipGrid allows us to each make short video contributions (90 seconds or less!) in answer to a common question. Our FlipGrid is embedded below.

Why video introductions? Since facilitating online often does have an element of video to it, we thought practicing your video skills in this way might help you "warm up" to appearing on video later during your synchronous online facilitation.


  • Think of the most important details that you'd like to share about yourself with the group in response to the question prompt
  • Script out what you'd like to say ahead of time and practice it to see if you're within the time limit - remember, it's just 90 seconds!
  • Don't read your script verbatim; paraphrase a bit to sound more natural
  • Look to see what's behind you in your environment that is going to appear on camera - is it suitable?
  • Record in a quiet environment so that a lot of background noises don't come through
  • Look at your camera and don't forget to smile/be yourself
  • Don't stress if it's not "perfect" - you are given chances to re-record
  • Don't spend more than 15 minutes on this activity :-)

Click the link below, then click the green plus sign in the FlipGrid window to add your video introduction.

Here's the link:

Last modified: Thursday, 16 February 2017, 1:48 PM