Micro Credential Terms
Look here if you find yourself wondering about terms related to micro-credentials. Jargon can be confusing! Remember - micro certifications = micro credentials. These are taken directly from State University of New York's Glossary of terms for micro-credentials.
Special | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | ALL
B |
Badge"A digital representation of achieving a learning outcome. Electronic badges include meta-data on the evidence of learning and information about the evaluation criteria and sponsoring institution. A type of micro-certification." https://system.suny.edu/academic-affairs/microcredentials/definitions/ | |
C |
Certificate"A credential issued by an institution that contain fewer courses than a degree and a smaller domain of knowledge. Must by approved by a governing authority." https://system.suny.edu/academic-affairs/microcredentials/definitions/ | |
Certification"demonstrated mastery or competency in specific knowledge, skills or processes that can be measured against a set of accepted standards" https://system.suny.edu/academic-affairs/microcredentials/definitions/ | |
Competency"Learnable, measurable and / or observable knowledge and skill-sets gained" https://system.suny.edu/academic-affairs/microcredentials/definitions/ | |
D |
Degree"A degree represents satisfactory accomplishments within an accepted body of knowledge"Degrees can be conferred by an institution and are regulated by a regional authority https://system.suny.edu/academic-affairs/microcredentials/definitions/ | |
L |
Learning Outcome"that which a learner is expected to know, understand, or be able to do after successful completion of a planned process of learning" https://system.suny.edu/academic-affairs/microcredentials/definitions/ | |
Licence"legal permission, typically granted by a government agency, to allow an individual to perform certain regulated tasks or occupations. Licenses are based on pre-determined, standardized criteria, involving educational programs of study, assessments, and/or work experience and are time-limited requiring periodic review and renewal." https://system.suny.edu/academic-affairs/microcredentials/definitions/ | |
M |
MOOC"A massive open online course (MOOC) is a model for delivering learning content online to any person who wants to take a course, with no limit on attendance. MOOCs are increasingly used as vehicles to deliver micro-credentials." https://system.suny.edu/academic-affairs/microcredentials/definitions/ | |
P |
PLARPrior Learning & Assessment Recognition - a recognized process where a learner can show their knowledge in a specific area - and receive credit - that was obtained formally, informally or experimentally. http://capla.ca/what-is-rpl/ | |
Q |
Qualification"the formal outcome of an assessment and validation process which is obtained when a competent body determines that an individual has achieved learning outcomes to given standards (e.g. European Qualifications Framework)" https://system.suny.edu/academic-affairs/microcredentials/definitions/ | |
S |
Stackable Credential"part of a sequence of credentials that can be accumulated over time to build up an individual’s qualifications and help that individual move along a career pathway and further education" https://system.suny.edu/academic-affairs/microcredentials/definitions/ | |
T |
Transparency"easy to understand and compare, clear learning outcomes and/or competencies." https://system.suny.edu/academic-affairs/microcredentials/definitions/ | |