Situating Ourselves
For our community building introductory activity, we'll use this "Glossary" tool in Moodle to share our "situated introductions." Then we will use tags to reveal our careers, hobbies, interests, family, geographical location, and anything else that comes to mind, as a way to discover connections.
Choose one or more questions to respond to.
Situate yourself in this world:
- What communities claim you (are you part of)?
- Who in your life has greatly inspired you and in what way?
- What is one tradition that is important to you?
- What is one decision you made that has led to you being here today?
- Describe a place that you are deeply connected to and why.
Situate yourself in this day:
- How are you feeling today?
- What is present in the background of this day?
Situate yourself if this course:
- What are you hoping to learn in this course?
- What are your goals?
- What do you bring that you want to share with the group?
- Click "add a new entry"
- Add your name at the top (beside "concept")
- Add your responses to the questions you chose (beside "definition"). Consider using images or video!
- Add tags at the bottom of the page (hit the ENTER key after each tag)
- Save changes
- Read what others have posted
- If it feels right, make some connections! You can add a comment to any glossary-introduction-post to ask about a shared tag, or anything else.
- Come back and edit anytime! Consider re-situating yourself any time during the course.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | ALL
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TaraVatNAC | ||
Having trouble embedding my Padlet this morning :( So here is a pic!
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Sylvia | ||
The transcript for my Prezi: A moving situationIn this course: I'm hoping to learn more..
My goals:
In my world (glimpses) 1 decision that led me here today The decision to move south from Yukon was hard but we ended up on Vancouver Island which led me to online facilitation (more than f2f) which led me to Facilitating Learning Online workshops, to Sylvia Currie, and all the other amazing co-facilitators that are parts of this online community. 1 place of deep connection Rathtrevor Provincial Park - I've been visiting since I was 10. So many memories are triggered whenever I walk the beach or trails. Now I live a short drive away - awesome! Who has inspired me recently? Monica - my djembe instructor who can listen and manage multiple rhythms and drummers in her head and still keep smiling! Cogdog (aka Alan Levine) - whenever I am at a loss for how to engage learners, I go to his blog for ideas. A constant outpouring. Stephanie Nolen - one of the best writers and 'splainers' I've ever read. She makes the complex clear and holds up a clear glass through which to see and understand different peoples and cultures. In this day Feeling have so many options to learn, so many beautiful places to explore, so many possibilities to contemplate.. Feeling rushed! | ||
SylviaC | ||
The worldWhat is one decision you made that has led to you being here today? 20 years ago my husband and I purchased property on a lake, along with an old camper trailer. We dreamed about having a cabin -- a place to escape to from city life (near Vancouver) on weekends and holidays. We found ourselves driving back and forth almost every weekend, 4 hours each direction, and inventing creative ways to extend our time at the lake. One day we asked ourselves this question: Why don't we call the lake home, and visit the city for work? And we did! Our house sold in a matter of weeks and we started construction on our now home. The day we reached the turnkey phase the floor fell out of our rusted camper. Timing is everything. This dayWhat is present in the background of this day? I'm thinking about how much I appreciate intuitive interfaces. This courseWhat are you hoping to learn in this course? As I embark on the E-Learning 3.0 MOOC and prepare for this MicroCourse I am curious about what has changed over the years when it comes to community building in online courses. | ||
Janna | ||
Hillarie | ||
Gina | ||
Situate yourself in this world:
Situate yourself in this day:
Situate yourself if this course:
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Colleen | ||
Beth | ||
The world What communities claim you (are you part of)? I spent the first half of my life growing up in Ontario but have almost spent more years living in BC than Ontario. I am from a village of about two thousand people (Norwich) which is sort of between Kitchener and London and all of my family members (except the one I "grew" myself: my husband and daughter and myself) still live near that area. So I am part of an Ontario community and a Victoria/Sooke community, because I have lived on Vancouver Island since 2005, the last three years in Sooke. I'm also part of a post-secondary community, an instructional designer community, a FLO community, a non-profit community, a facilitator community, an entrepreneurial community, a choir community, a school parent goodness, the list goes on! To be honest, I love starting and being a part of communities...for example, I created the Victoria Facilitators Group almost ten years ago and it now has almost 200 members. This day/week What is present in the background of this day? Today while starting this course I'm also prepping to facilitate the second session of a 'training skills'-type course tomorrow for the Capital Regional District, as well as starting to rough prototype out an e-learning course I'm developing for the BC SPCA on Articulate Storyline. I'm also thinking ahead to Halloween and the pumpkins I will be carving (my daughter wants Charlie Brown, Snoopy and Woodstock on three of them - whoa!) and my birthday this week! This course What are your goals? I would really love to develop a MicroCourse and am an 'enthusiast' for all things FLO so I thought I would really enjoy being a participant in one of these courses to see how they work before I offered to develop one. Also I want to learn from all of your community building ideas as I teach a lot online and love the act of attempting to build and foster online community. I'm looking forward to meeting all of you. PS I took this photo of myself last week to remind my husband (who was coming home from a camping trip) how snug it is in front of our fire... | ||